My partner was shouting at me, at At first i didnt twig and flew round getting stuck in trees everything was in slow motion, i was at Tamed Gondria there and then at I was testing out Gondria and did a quest and at I confirm Gondria to be at 63,43 and 77, TY………got 3 of the four today……..
Keep at it. I was over at the 63, 43 spawnpoint at around server time and had gone to pick up food. When I got home the alarm had gone off but she was nowhere to be seen. If she was tamed or killed at that point that would have only been 2 hours or so till she spawned again at 69, I had been flying around and stopped to hover over I didnt believe it but there she was.
Frost trap.. March 10th I tamed Gondria on Winterhoof server at am Server time.. I tamed her this morning at 63,43 right by the stairs around am server time. Ty Garwulf couldnt have done it without the website help. Man you guys are making me angry. After a full day of camping the given locations of Gondria I caught her. I caught her at the 69, 49 location about p.
NPCscan came up and I needed a few seconds to distinguish her from the snow :. Just wanted to say thank you for this map. A few months back right after Skoll was introduced, figured with most hunters looking for him and Loque being way rare, Gondria was my best bet , I made a macro that generated all the spawn points on my tour guide addon, and I would just fly around every now and then over all the points to see if I could nab my own spirit beast.
Well, I got him last night before bed, at 66, Easy as pie. Took 10 mins…tried 3 locations then 63,43 for me, pretty cool. Great post for us dummies. I love that addon. I found Loque!! I saw someone with her in Dal. I landed and trapped her then tamed here it was easy. Good Luck to all that is looking for her. That was quite a stroke of luck you had there.
Not to mention that player was pretty cool assisting you with finding the spawn location s. I flied there with my flying mount, and she was gone.
I got her just now! Location: 66,78 I camped her until 6AM this morning, then i fell asleep. I logged in right after i woke up this afternoon, and she was right in front of me!! Found her yesterday Yeh i got him Last night a few mins past midnight at 77,70, a rather beautiful pet:D good investment of time. On youre map use track beast it WILL show up as a yellow dot. Do use NPC-scan. I just tamed Gondria last night, Just got him as well Thanks for all the tips placed in here, it made finding Gondria real easy.
Grats Rilmandra. I do my best to try and help my peoples, but the community here is really to thank. My first flight over this area. Thanks to the map on this site!! And thanks to the script below…. I got him at pm on Lethon at 66, Hi just got Gondria at 68, 77… been camping for 6 and a half hours behind the altar and he spawned right infront of me!
The npc scan addon works so good. After camping 77,70 for 2 days, unexpectedly just got Gondria at Realm Barthilas, time pm. Called her Bagheera. Register Don't have an account? Edit this page. History Talk 0. This article or section is a mob stub. You can help expand it by editing it. This type of article is usually categorized under " Mobs ", " Bosses " or " Creatures ". Kemp Guides. RDF feed. NPC faction. NPC level. She was tamed at am server time, behind the Altar of Har'koa. Good luck to anyone else looking, it's worth it.
Comment by How can you be so sure its a She and not a He :P. Comment by I tamed this lovely on Fizzcrank last night around ish server time at 77, 67ish. We flew into Zim'Torga to do some mapping and my boyfriend went afk, so I thought what the heck I'll take a look at the spawn points while I wait.
Had him tamed and was back at the flight master before my boyfriend came back. Comment by darkfy I use that macro to found the elites.
Comment by Hey. You guys want to hear a funny and depressing story? So I just found out about Gondria. I never really liked the Loque skin dont shoot me please.. I like my surv spec, so I went and scrounged up 1k gold from all my toons to dual spec dear ol hunter. So, I went out to zul'drak after i found a spawn map here. At the time all i had was an epic ground mount, so it took me forever to get from spot to spot with all the aggro. After about 2 hours, i got lonely, so I drug my boyfriend and his rogue over and he tagged along, looking for other rares.
We started at the Crater spawn point and went counter clockwise among the others. When we get back to the Crater, I see this huge, ghosty, glowy, amazingly gorgeous rare spawn patting right infront of my face.
So I started to panic. Rogue was busy killing the adds that I aggro'ed.. I tried telling him to stop, but he started killing her anyway, with me not knowing what I did wrong to not start taming her.
By this time I was crying, and Gondria was roaring, and the rogue was slashing away. The poor thing died, and then I started sobbing. The rogue was happy.. Turns out I hadnt switched from survival to beast mastery..
Then he felt horrible, bought me an epic flying mount, and is helping me with the new, long camp of Gondria..
How messed up is that.. Learn from my mistakes.. That was about 5 days ago. Havent seen her since. I refuse to give up, though. It looks like camping araga all over again.. But I fonally got her, so Im keeping my hopes up. For the horde! Comment by oew oew tamed it today :D on skullcrusher got a nice photshoped pic whit both of my spirit beast, i will submit it :D. Comment by yay finally tamed Gondria after 4 camping days :D.
Comment by Its absolutely worth it. But one thing i am damn proud over is my pet Gondria Edit: yes.. So i feel pretty Uniq at the moment. I hope not everyone will have one in a couple of months. Comment by Tamed this beauty on the Durotan server at approx.
Thursday morning. The last known spawn before mine, was a. Looks like it has a hour spawn timer after reading through the posts. The first thing I did was make sure I tagged him, and boy did I almost overdue that one. He also ended up breaking my freezing trap, most likely because my old cat was attacking him, but I'm not sure my heart was beating too fast.
But was successful in taming him without the need of the trap. Comment by Guyute Just tamed Gondria on Andorhal am server time. I logged in at the Mam'toth crater spawn site and flew over the stairs. My "npcscan" addon flashed like it was supposed to, dropped trap, tamed, done. Comment by Found him at am, location Comment by Anyone on Silver Hand tamed him yet? I'm thinking the Hordes are just getting really lucky which is frustrating :p So far I have been checking every 10hrs, 15hr, 20hrs as they seem to be the most regular spawn timers.
Can anyone confirm, does it sound like Loque? I've seen youtube fottage that it attacks like Loque but it had no sound. I like the idea of a quite killer. Also can people please stop giving other posts that list the exact coords and time a negative rating, since this is a fairly new spirit beast I for one am finding all these coords and timers VERY insightful.
Also helped me get Time-Lost Proto Drake. It's always on so no matter what zone you're in it'll find a rare for you if it's there. Comment by Tamed on Stormreaver US around pm server around the altar of mamtoth, wow this skin is awesome and my first spirit beast tame.
Gave up on Loque after everyone started farming in Sholazar so im excited they actually put a spirit beast in a non farming area. Just south of the Altar of Harkoa. Beautiful kitty, now I have both spirit beasts: Good luck to all of you still searching, Gondria is definitely worth it! As said before, standard tame: frost trap, tame beast, wait.
Other than that, pretty decent tame and my first spirit beast. Happy Hunting! I had been orbiting the known spawns when I had time. Waruy told me he had tamed Gondria at P. This morning 25 Apr 09 I was reading the comments here and decided to try NPCScan , went to the website, downloaded and installed it, added Gondria to the list. At A. I had been using the black DevilSaur from UnGoro Crater , which was the pet I was going to abandon to tame Gondria, but having used him the past couple days I decided to drop my Quetz'lun windserpent instead.
I had to summon the windserpent to dismiss it, and I actually watched Gondria for a minute to see how he prowled before I set a Ice Trap down and started the tame. I dropped an Ice Trap and hit the tame beast button, he ran towards me, hit the trap and the tame completed before the trap broke. My little brother has been dead for more than 20 years, but today is his birthday, so look for Lynkyn with Jefferson on Draenor.
Tamed at P. Comment by This guy takes forever to wait for and is hard to find If you have a life Comment by Just tamed it on Caelestrazaz at pm server time. Near the stairs at about 62, Didnt need the macro as I saw a yellow dot on the minimap and then she popped into view. Other comments are correct though. She's very difficult to see on the snow.
Spent hours looking for it last night and no luck. Went for a quick fly over today and immediately saw it. The intially starting of the tame was easy. Didnt pounce.
But it was a close call because I had a bear hitting me at the same time and also an alliance hunter came along and started shooting Gondria. Originally I though the hunter went for the bear but in the combat log, she was tried to break the tame. Silly me for thinking that someone would help. Hunter died from a long fall and the tame succeeded Can understand why though. Spend ages in one spot waiting for spawn only for someone else to get it in a different spawn location after a being there for a couple of minutes.
Comment by miauzinha I've finally got her today on Wildhammer-EU pm server time and coords 67,77 right behind the Altar of Har'koa. Ive started to search for her in the beginning of the week but nothing so serious, just a casual fly sometimes over the spawn points. On Tuesday i found Terror Spinner and killed him at pm, his body despawned pm. To kill him, i called my Loque'nahak so i got 30 min on call stable.
I tought to myself "She dont will spawn in less than 30 min, ofc" - I was wrong. At pm i found her at 67,77, and my call stable was still with 10 min cooldown. I sat near her waiting the cooldown to go out so i could put Loque on stable and Tame her, and at the same time praying to no other hunter pass over there at that moment.
I couldnt do nothing than cry inside and tell Gratz to him. I'm not the kind of person that kill, i think is smart if i just let him take it so will be less one hunter flying around to minimize my chances.
Today i promised to myself that i was going to tame her at all costs. Ive started my camping at am, flying over all the spawn points non-stop. According the spawn times of Sholazar Basin, the 3 rares share time on spawn, when one die or is tamed, the next can spawn from the moment the corpse despawn til next 6 hours. Its not precise.
It can be at any moment inside this limit. So i thought to myself maybe the rares in Zul Drake have the same criteria, lets try and see. I was still flying over all spawn points non-stop and at am exactly 6 hours after i killed Zul Drak Sentinel i went out of the route of Gondria spawn to try to find another rare.
I found Terror Spinner and killed him at , with body despawning at So i thought to myself: IF is according the other day i killed Terror Spinner, the next spawn will be Gondria, and she can spawn at any moment from now to next 6 hours.
So i came back to my route and keep my fly non-stop over spawn points. I knew she could be spawning up to pm, when the 6 hours limit ended.
When was pm exactly i flew over Altar of Har'koa and found her there, just had spawned that moment, once i've past there 2 mins before and there was nothing.
I hope it helps everyone to hunt and tame Gondria with some more precise informations :. Comment by Rubbish Does anyone know the spawn timer? Comment by zariplz Caught him at the 63, 43 spawn point, so excited I forgot to screenshot it. I am however, uploading some decent shots of him in Crystalsong Forest, he does look slightly pinker than he does in the pictures here, so if you don't want a pink pet, I'd say don't tame him.
Please, make a macro, it makes things so much easier. Especially nice if you use one with a sound that plays when you target something.
Patchwerk engage sound "Patchwerk want to plaaayy I spazzed in gchat, dropped down, called my cat Mogget away and tamed Gondria.
Using Mogget for when I'm Marksmanship Specced. Comment by Just tamed this beaut on Muradin server at am. I found her on the left side of the stairs right in front of Altar of Mam'toth. Cords Track beast was one where she will appear as a yellow dot. If using this macro make sure you're not targeting anything else. Also make sure you put your name in and remove the brackets.
Here's a safe web site that you can download a free version. She's worth it. Comment by Just tamed her some minutes ago at Server Ragnaros Latin America.
I've been helping a friend look for it for a few days, and I spotted it tonight around 3am server time, on Kirin Tor. Unfortunately although I woke my friend up with the good news, she was more interested in sleep.
Which makes sense. She gave me her blessing to do with it as I wished. I figured it came down to an achievement or a nifty new pet. I chose the pet. It's such a shame to see them running around Dalaran with names like Fuzzybawls and Kittykitty.
All in all Gondria doesn't hit very hard as a mob. I kited it around for a while and it took a long time to do any significant damage to me. Since it's a neutral mob, you can set the trap anywhere you like.
Just in case it came out of the freeze with a mind to disrupt my tame, I let my trap cool down most of the way before I tagged it so I could place another in between. Never needed to do that, but it's a good precaution. Happy hunting! It's a beautiful pet. My boyfriend is happy I'm not running around with a "boring cat" anymore. Comment by Well I spent pretty much all day yesterday looking for this guy. At 7 am I checked his spawn points, then checked for other rares.
Found Zul'drak Sentinel and killed him. At 11 am, I found Terror Spinner. I devoted the rest of the night to flying around hoping he'd be the next to spawn. Finally at pm I had to call it quits and get ready for my raid in 5 mins. Raid didn't happen because we didn't have enough people, so I came back to fly around some more.
I asked in general at pm if anyone had seen any rares. I got a whisper saying "you mean the tiger? Out of all people, I would not have expected a hunter who was lucky enough to see him, kill him. Maybe I'll be lucky and get him today soon as servers come up.
But I think I'll just stick to checking early each morning in hopes he'll be spawned. After being frustrated for sitting out raids for 3 nights straight on my rogue yea, my RL hates rogues and spending the time fishing hoping for the sea turtle no sign of it after ish casts, naturally.
I've decided to call for a break and went on a PUG VoA, it got even worse when we had a few wipes and the timer ran out. There had been server restarts every night for the first few days and it really disrupted the spawns.
I've killed Griegen 4 times due to server restarts , Sentry twice, never seen terror spinner. But it's definitely worth the camp, GL to all you hunters still looking for her! Comment by nikipiulitza can someone please tell me what level is this rare?
Comment by I missed Gondria today by a few minutes but found something that could be interesting : I was patrolling Zul'Drak to see if any rare had spawned when suddenly my macro picked up a target just north of Drak'Tharon : it was Zul'Drak Sentinel. I quickly landed and dismounted, called my gorilla and killed the Sentinel. I looted the corpse and took off on my flying mount heading east to look for the next rare according to miauzinha's spawn order : Terror Spinner.
I asked him where he was and quickly flew there : he was next to Mam'toh's crater I think that Gondria spawned exactly when the Sentinel's corpse despawned which means that Gondria effectively shares a spawn timer with the other rares and that the spawn order is wrong or random.
But if I'm wrong and Gondria spawned before I killed the Sentinel then she might be on her own spawn timer not related to the other rares. Comment by Spawn order is random.
Comment by My search has come to an end thankfully after 8 days of searching. Tamed on Madoran last night at am server. I wanted to share my experience of events leading up to the tame. I firmly believe rares share the spawn timer. Starting Monday night before the servers went down for maintenance, I found and killed Sentinel at 2am server time.
Waited until servers went down, and no spawns of any rares. Logged in when maintenance was over on Tuesday morning, first looked for Gondria for about 15 minutes.
When I didn't find her I patrolled for other rares. Found and killed Griegen at pm server time. Waited for Gondria for one hour before giving in to sleep. At pm server, found and killed Terror spinner. Seemingly forever. Found at the 62,62 location and tamed 6 hours and 45 minutes after spinner spawned. It is possible another rare had spawned between the two but the timing makes me wonder. I hadn't even seen Gondria at all in the 8 days of looking prior.
I am fairly certain the timers are random, and perhaps some servers experience longer spawn times, I'm not sure. I'm just glad it's finally over. Wishing you all the best of luck in your hunt! Comment by Gratzner Just tamed her at I didn't kill anything else before taming Gondria. I was just flying around spamming the macro. If someone else killed something to make Gondria spawn, i have no idea. Comment by just tamed him 15 min ago on US nath realm at spawn point Comment by Just tamed my Gondria today 4.
Just finished raiding Ulduar and decided to do a quick check, lo and behold there he was, on the southwest corner of the crater. I yelled out loud in vent and in guild chat. Thanks to the people who recommend NPCScan, it picked him up right away. Good thing it was later in the evening and there was no horde around. Landed, dismissed my farming cat, dropped my trap, tagged him, hit concussive shot and started to tame.
Had some mobs go at me while I was taming but didn't get my health too low. Now I'm trying to level him so I can use him in raids. Got lucky with this tame. Prior to that, I had killed Terror Spinner at server time am, coords 77,42 and its corpse despawned at am. So that's 21 minutes later that Gondria had been tamed after the despawn of Terror Spinner's corpse. I had just flown over the tame location approximately 5 minutes prior to taming Gondria and it had not yet spawned at that time.
In the end, finding Gondria was a simple matter of just spotting by sight, I hadn't even looked at my minimap before Gondria's yellow name stuck out like a sore thumb.
Comment by djremix am server time EST,on a us realm -lethon training rare pets for me are like a drug. When i first heard of loque'nahak,i did everything i could. I actually leveled 2 toons to 80 because i refused to take my hunter out of shalozar basin until i had tamed the beatiful spirit pet! Then the dreaded day came when i was on petopia and found a new spirit pet was seen on a test realm server and woud be available on the next patch. Comment by Tamed her today just after she spawned in front of me south of Zim'Torga It's now my turn to be very happy ; Good luck to you all and thank you for the usefull comments.
Comment by Jangalian Tamed her him? I sure wish someone had some lore on this cat. Letting you other hunters know so that you can plan its timer. Here's a polite note for hunters who camp hunters who are looking for rare spawns.
If I hadn't, I would have flew right past even with a target macro. The loud drum alert woke me out of a sleep-deprived daze. Also here's a tip; when you download the addon, Gondria is not listed so you have to add him. After you add him, make sure to close WoW and delete the cache file in the WoW folder. DOn't worry, this is not a bad thing. WoW will make another Cache file when you log back on.
Works great. Edit: Whoops. Posted the wrong server initially, as I momentarily had a mass brain cell death. Spent all day Monday looking for her, prob about 14 hours. Spent Tuesday afternoon looking for her as well. Wednesday spent almost all day logged on in the area, but was afk for some doing homework and getting other things done.
Well today I checked this morning, and was logged in the area all day. Tonight my guild decided to do 25 man vault first, and I was saved so I was sat. They took the same raid to Ulduar, so I didn't get in. Figured I'd go back and look for Gondria again. As I was flying around she just spawned outside of Zim'Torga at about pm server.
Dropped down, shot her, dropped my trap, and started taming. This was about 10 minutes ago and my heart is still pounding. Been a long week looking for this, glad to get it done with! Time to go level. My characters name is Allison. Comment by My Guildmaster tamed Gondria at 5am ST on Ysondre and I got her at 6pm in 2 different locations but both where marked and verified!
Comment by Found one with my girlfriend on Bloodscalp at It was worth because it's beautyful! I don't know if this helps.. Good hunting ;. Comment by Azaram Tamed on Staghelm at Good luck to everyone, I have to agree the kitty is a total beauty! Comment by Oomie The facts: Northern Side of the giant staircase. About am server Draenor on May 2nd.
I stopped by Zul'drak a few days ago, flew around for 20 minutes or so and logged off. I thought I'd give it another try tonight and started camping at about am or so.
Got on my main, browsed the Ah, bought some flasks, decided to go farm some herbs. So I got back on my hunter, Mew.
It was about am. I logged in at the spawn point south of Zim'torga and was promptly dismounted by a Snow Lepard. Killed that, took off with herb tracking on Decided I would take an AFK break at the spawn point on the north side of the stairs, so I could go wash out the pot I used to make dinner in and put up a pot of tea.
It is now am. Luckily for me my computer is in the kitchen. I was rinsing the pot when I glanced at the screen and barely made out what looked like a yellow dot on the mini map I had put track beasts back on before I afk'd.
There was one other hunter in the Zone at the time. You all are going to hate me In total I spent maybe 3 hours searching for this spawn Time was about am server. The Tame The Capture. Comment by flynthorn I can confirm the Comment by Sylerstar Tamed today at 2. Must admit I didn't see which spawn point I was at on account of the moment of "omg, omg where is he" when my macro warning went off. Not a bad result for no more than 2 hours worth of camping him!
Comment by gamestar10 Just tamed Gondria at 77, 67 spawn point. Server: Crushridge Server Time: am Hunted her for 3 days and now the payoff. Good luck to all others still hunting! Comment by Oups WOW Finally Gondria is mine Well the story is that I was searching for this Wonderful Beast since two weeks ago for hours daily, but did nt have the pleasure to meet her.
Trust me guys Comment by Azaram An observation after using him for a bit; stealth is kind of pointless. He moves forward enough to moonfire, then does that, breaking the stealth. Hits for around normally, for or so when stealthed. Comment by Tamed on the 3. Comment by Tamed this girl today!. But it's always when you least expect to find her. I went on my lvl 80 Hunter just to have a look around Zul'drak, just on the off chance she was there - though I had almost given up hope.
Everyone should have it! I caught her at 77, Which is at the top of the rise of the large, wooded, snowy area in the south-easterly part of the tier. I have read this was quite a popular spot for her to be caught. I am on Eonar, European server, and caught her at pm server time. I don't know when she first spawned there but it must have been only a half an hour or so before because I was looking for her the same morning. If your thinking of giving up hope, don't!.
She is one of only two spirit beasts. Rare and a beautiful pet to have. Odd's on, if you keep looking you will find her :.
Good Luck!. Aszune-EU I had my hunter parked there. I actually was getting ready to call it a night and decided to do one more fly by before leaving my toon logged there. When i hit the zone i had just switched from my other spec and had like no mana. Gondria was in the second zone spot i was to check and I had to take a mana pot when i spotted her before i could get the tame off. Thankfully i had a pot on me talk about a rush. I can't confirm any of the other rare spawns in the zone and Gondria being linked.
I can say that i spent several days doing zone fly bys trying to see if any other rare's were up. I never did see another rare in the zone. The many hours of hunting are worth it. I highly recommend that addon for this hunt. Make sure to clear your cache directory often.
It also doesn't reset if it does find an npc in the list unless you clear your cache directory. Good luck to all. Comment by Hey guys, On my server Argent Dawn I frequently see people on their flying mounts, camping over Heb'Drakkar, to the right of the big stairs.
Is there any information on why this is the best place to camp? I've seen several hunters now just flying in place over that point. Comment by Tamed her at am on ShC.
Coords She didn't seem to be moving around much, but then I didn't wait to see what she was going to be doing. Comment by vlad Just tamed him? Spirit Beast was patrolling near the steps and was neutral.
When I dropped down from my mount and tamed, a bear close to both of us aggro'd on him and started attacking the spirit beast. Once the beast was in the ice trap, the bear switched to me. Luckily he didn't interrupt my taming and now I have my 1st spirit beast. One down, one to go. Comment by vlad From the description on wowinterface. Found her after 6 hours of search on my DK and logged fast as i could on my hunter and tamed her. She's very beautyfull and worth the search, even Ahab a tauren hunter cheered at me dreanei hunter :D.
Good luck on other hunters and don't give up :. Found her roaming behind the Altar of Harkoa. Have probably only spent a handful of hours randomly checking the zone throughout the day. Nothing like the time spent trying to get Loque still haven't. Beautiful pet though, and I'm glad to have her in my stable! Link to pic. Comment by YES i finally got her! Still can't figure out her spawn cycle.
She's not linked to the other elites, since she spawned like 20 minutes after i killed geigen. If you are searching for her don't base spawn times on the other elites. Happy hunting Ketara lvl 80 hunter - Outland.
Comment by playhard Tamed mine a couple of weeks ago, early morning around am server time, at coordinates It was close to the Altar of Mam'toth by a bunch of those glowing eyed cats. My advice.