Nothing's better than a hunter rez though. Comment by Petergriffin Very helpful item but doesnt work all the time. It can be a life saver or a dud but if your entire group wipes and you happen to have these you defintly should use them.
Comment by Taiyoumaru I've found this of extremely particular importance as a substitue combat ressurection. Recently though, I've noticed it has failed every time I've used it, or my friend used it. It may be bugged. And this is after about 40 uses since last patch, out of which only 3 worked. However, I seem to have a higher success rate on lower level people.
Entirely possible that it's just co-incidence but worth mentioning all the same. Comment by justgiz Do these share the same cool down as the other cables? Comment by Thottbot Yes you can't use both at once, but now they won't break when they fail!
Comment by Thottbot yes u can ress ppl after they have released their sprit. Requires Engineering to USE. This means: 1 An engineer with at least skill and specialising in Goblin Engineering can learn the schematic, create the cables, and use them.
Buy them off a Goblin Engineer and equip them. If you DON'T have engineering of at least , you cannot equip the cables, and you cannot use them. You can resell them, but the fact is, you still didn't READ the item before you bought it.
Comment by Thottbot An awesome idea on trying to have your buff and pet at the same time with the jumper cables. However, you can only use the cables when out of combat. Since, to my knowledge, a lock has no way of ending combat, the cables are not useful for battle rezzing your pet.
And since locks have a way of rezzing soulstone , it makes the jumper cables kinda useless. I would say it makes the most sense for either a rogue or hunter to go goblin engineering just for the chance to rez in the event of a wipe. I would suggest telling your groups self rezzers not to use their talents until you have at least TRIED to rez with the cables. This way if it works your group has one more self rez in the bank for later in the instance.
If it fails, someone can just self rez and the group is no worse off. The cool down for the cables is shorter than most self rez talents 30 minutes versus minutes.
Comment by Thottbot I have used this a long time 89 times it worked failure. Comment by Thottbot you can have 2 of them equiped at the same time and it uses both at the same time. Comment by Thottbot From my experience, they seem to work better if you try to use them on people around your own level.
Used em to rez our healer in many instances, but couldn't rez my guildies lvl 60 running me thru things : hope this helps. Comment by Thottbot Through experience I've found that the animation effect doesn't matter. It is as random as rezzing the person. I only had it explode once on me and it saved the wire. I have used them 5 times and have had successes 5 times.
Pretty much if I'm 5 for 5, don't release spirit, and good luck. Rezing priests as a Rogue is kick ass.. Comment by Allakhazam what happens if body explodes? Comment by Allakhazam I'm a lvl 60 hunter not high enough engineering for the XL ones and these things rarely work for me. I did a DM North run the other night, was my guilds first time going through it, The preist died 2 times without a soulstone and the cables failed to work both times.
Comment by Allakhazam how long does the cool-down timer take? Comment by Allakhazam I'll relate a story here. I had a set of these jumper cables and my party got wiped except me. Being a hunter, I feigned death with the intent of shocking our shaman back to life. I selected his body, right-clicked the jumper cables and they vanshed.
The jumper cables icon disappeared from my inventory, replaced by nothing at all. Not broken jumper cables, not parts, nothing. There wasn't even a visual or sound effect. Just click-gone. The shaman didn't get a rez, I didn't take any damage, there was no text declaring my use of the item. But it was definitely gone. Considering that the ingredients to make a single set of these aren't exactly common makes it kind of a slap in the face when they just utterly fail like this. I mean, I was prepared for the eventuality of them exploding.
I was fine with risking that chance, since it was the only hope my party had at the time. But just -nothing-? It was my first and, so far, only experience with this item, and it was very anticlimactic. Comment by Allakhazam Where can I get flasks of oil easily? Comment by Allakhazam I realize it takes a in Engineering to make them, but can they be given to and used by someone without any skill in Engineering?
Comment by Allakhazam after using this device many times since last post, i can say it ussualy ALWAYS fails, rarely explodes, and rarely works. Dunno, maybe it's just a new patch Now 8. Comment by Allakhazam Do the jumper cables bring your engineering skill up?
Comment by Allakhazam used them twice, worked twice btw, since the 1. Comment by Allakhazam I bet, with my luck, they'll blow up every time! I love Engineers, can't stay away from explosives, no matter what they're making. Just bring an Engineer with a set of these! Have fun. Comment by Allakhazam I've been a bit dissapointed with these thus far.
Went engineering with my rogue just to get these. As mentioned below, they "should" be great coupled with vanish. Problem is, the success rate is really disgusting. Failed the last 6 attempts and had them blow up on me on the 7th.
Understandably, they shouldn't work all the time Attach the cables to various points on a recently fallen comrade, flip the switch, and the body jerks off the ground and spasms mightily while electricity plays over the thinly insulated cables. The smell of burning hair wafts up. In addition to being fun to watch, this display sometimes revives the individual. Goblin jumper cables can only revive a person that has been dead for fewer than ten minutes.
Goblin Jumper Cables are made by Engineers with a skill of The recipe for this item is taught by [ Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables ] , a limited sale recipe available for 20 from:.
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