And the Economic and Social Council needs to be reinvigorated. Furthermore, the relationship between the General Assembly and the Security Council needs to be strengthened. The adoption of an ambitious and transformative post development agenda, the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa in July and the agreement on a new universal and legally binding climate change agreement this December in Paris will be monumental milestones towards improving the livelihoods of people around the world.
As we celebrate this important anniversary and reflect on the role of the United Nations, we should feel heartened by all that has been achieved. From supporting the major decolonization efforts across Africa and Asia to providing a critical platform for discourse throughout the cold war; from eradicating extreme poverty and hunger to addressing the pressing challenge of climate change; the United Nations has been at the forefront of efforts to ensure a secure, prosperous and equitable world.
UN Secretariat. The United Nations is part of the UN system , which, in addition to the UN itself, comprises many programmes, funds and specialized agencies, each of which have their own area of work, leadership and budget. The UN coordinates its work with these separate UN system entities, all of which cooperate with the Organization to help it achieve its goals. UN System. Full text Individual chapters and more.
Full text History of, drafters, and more. The staff must be international. That is, each one of the many member nations must be represented. However, member governments are not allowed to influence the staff. In general the UN Charter emphasizes that the Secretariat of the United Nations should be an international civil service.
It should serve the interests of the organization and only those interests. All Rights Reserved. Goodrich, Leland. Grolier Online, Goodrich, L. United Nations. The New Book of Knowledge. Create a List.
List Name Save. Rename this List. Rename this list. List Name Delete from selected List. Save to. Save to:. Save Create a List. Create a list. Save Back. Basic Principles and Purposes of the United Nations. Grades 6—8 , 9— If the United Nations is to remain true to its Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it must continue to promote such education to this and succeeding generations of young people.
From primary classrooms to university campuses, this challenge requires a similar commitment by the United Nations partners in civil society and non-governmental organizations NGOs. Unless students understand the nature and breadth and depth of the global issues that confront the United Nations and its Member States, the less likely their creativity and resourcefulness will be employed in solving such issues.
And unless students learn to recognize false claims and unfair criticism about the United Nations, the harder the road to overcome such issues as human rights abuses, poverty, literacy, climate change and terrorism. While there have been substantial achievements in creating the materials and learning environments necessary, especially in the developed countries and in English, much more can clearly be done in many of the less developed countries and in the five other official UN languages.
Starting with the K curriculum and moving on to higher education, there is an ever present need to update and improve the existing curriculum and, at the same time, encourage the development of new, technologically enhanced units and lessons.
More specifically, there are at least a minimum of six imperatives:. Such history provides valuable insights and basic understanding of the hardships that many of these nations have had to overcome on the road to self-governing. Closely related is the need to learn about the huge disparity between the haves and the have-nots. Without this broader perspective, younger generations are less likely to assist in the development of new and better ways to reduce the ravages of poverty, hunger, malnutrition, disease, tainted water, soil erosion and other conditions that the have-nots endure.
Learning how the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization, among others, currently improve the lives of both the haves and the have-nots is a critical part of this education process. On a broader scale, young people have a fundamental need to learn the essential objectives of each of the eight Millennium Development Goals adopted by the General Assembly in , as well as what has been and what is not likely to be achieved by the deadline.
The need to grasp and understand the scope of the United Nations impact on the daily lives of people from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe is substantial, but equally important is the need to carefully examine the nature and responsibilities of its principal organs:. Students may be most familiar with the Security Council, given its primary responsibility for global peace and security and its frequent appearance in newspaper headlines and radio and television newscasts. This is especially critical when the use of the veto or threat of veto delays or suspends the preferred outcome of the majority.