Mame where is mame ini

The default is 'auto'. By default, both use a special 'internal' view, which renders a separate snapshot per screen or renders movies only of the first screen.

By specifying this option, you can override this default behavior and select a single view that will apply to all snapshots and movies. Note that viewname does not need to be a perfect match; rather, it will select the first view whose name matches all the characters specified by viewname. For example, -snapview native will match the "Native " view even though it is not a perfect match.

The default value is 'internal'. Default is ON -snapbilinear. The resulting PNG is created such that the least used-areas of the screen are fully white since burned-in areas are darker, all other areas of the screen must be lightened a touch. The intention is that this PNG can be loaded via an artwork file with a low alpha e. The default is OFF -noburnin. Performance options -[no]autoframeskip, -[no]afs Automatically determines the frameskip level while you're playing the game, adjusting it constantly in a frantic attempt to keep the game running at full speed.

Turning this on overrides the value you have set for -frameskip below. The default is OFF -noautoframeskip. This is the number of frames out of every 12 to drop when running. For example, if you say -frameskip 2, then MAME will display 10 out of every 12 frames. By skipping those frames, you may be able to get full speed in a game that requires more horsepower than your computer has. The default value is 0, which skips no frames. It tells MAME to stop execution after a fixed number of seconds.

By combining this with a fixed set of other command line options, you can set up a consistent environment for benchmarking MAME performance. In addition, upon exit, the -str option will write a screenshot called final. When throttling is on, MAME attempts to keep the game running at the game's intended speed.

When throttling is off, MAME runs the game as fast as it can. Note that the fastest speed is more often than not limited by your graphics card, especially for older games. The default is ON -throttle. This option can potentially cause hiccups in performance if other demanding programs are running. The default is ON -sleep. Default is 1. Default is OFF -norefreshspeed.

Default is OFF -nosdlvideofps. This ensures that both vertically and horizontally oriented games show up correctly without the need to rotate your monitor. If you want to keep the game displaying 'raw' on the screen the way it would have in the arcade, turn this option OFF.

The default is ON -rotate. Default for both is OFF -noror -norol. If your screen only pivots clockwise, use -autorol to ensure that the game will fill the screen either horizontally or vertically in one of the directions you can handle. If your screen only pivots counter-clockwise, use -autoror. Default for both is OFF -noautoror -noautorol. Default for both is OFF -noflipx -noflipy. This option can also be controlled via the Video Options menu in the user interface.

Screen options -brightness value Controls the default brightness, or black level, of the game screens. This option does not affect the artwork or other parts of the display. Using the MAME UI, you can individually set the brightness for each game screen; this option controls the initial value for all visible game screens. The standard value is 1.

Selecting lower values down to 0. The default is 1. Using the MAME UI, you can individually set the contrast for each game screen; this option controls the initial value for all visible game screens.

Using the MAME UI, you can individually set the gamma for each game screen; this option controls the initial value for all visible game screens. The default value is 0. Default is 'none'. This is a scaling factor against the standard vector width, which is interpolated between minimum and maximum according to the beam's intensity.

A value of 1. Smaller values will reduce the width, and larger values will increase the width. For positive values the interpolated scaling factor will affect lines with higher intensity more than lines with lower intensity.

The default is 0. This option requires a float argument in the range of 0. Video options -video [ soft opengl none ] Specifies which video subsystem to use for drawing: soft uses software rendering, which is slower but more compatible. Default is 'soft'. Default is '1'. This is a fully-featured window mode where the window resizes as necessary to track what the game does. And you can resize it yourself with your OS's standard window controls. The default is OFF -nowindow.

If it is set on, the window will initially be set to the maximum supported size when you start MAME. If it is turned off, the window will start out at the smallest supported size. This option only has an effect when the -window option is used. The default is ON -maximize. This means when you're resizing the window in windowed mode the actual game image will resize in discrete steps to maintain the proper shape of the game graphics.

If you turn this off you can resize the window to anything you like and get funny squishing and stretching. The same applies for full-screen. Default is ON -keepaspect. Video purists should stay far, far away from this option, while everyone else will be happy to know that it lets you fill the screen properly in full-screen mode. Default is ON -unevenstretch. Default is ON -centerh. Default is ON -centerv. Default is OFF -nowaitvsync.

Default is OFF -nosyncrefresh. Software video rendering subsystem options NOTE: All the options in this group are available only with softare video rendering subsystem, i. Default is NONE. Default is ON -filter. UglyStick New member. I can't find a mame. I'm trying to activate my cheat. But no luck on finding said mame.

I downloaded MAMEb. Perhaps a version dis-correlation? Any help would be appreciated. I'm really new at this stuff. FatTrucker Abusus non tollit usum. If you're using commandline mame you need to generate one using the commandline. Hit the Start button on your desktop, go to the run command and type cmd, this will open a command prompt.

Hey guys! I created a mame. ERROR: requiered files are missing, the game cannot be run. What i'm doing wrong? Either the game rom is missing, the game rom is out of date or incomplete or the game has a parent rom thats missing or the game requires a CHD hard disk or CD image that's missing. Looking at that error it looks like a missing CHD. Basically mame is trying to launch a game and isn't finding the files it expects to in the rom folder.

Screen orientation INI file either horizont. For example Pac-Man has a vertical screen, so it loads vertical. Systems with no monitors, multiple monitors with different orientations, or monitors connected to slot devices will usually load horizont. System type INI file arcade. Monitor type INI file vector. Systems without monitors or with other kinds of monitors will not load an INI file for this step.


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