Olive Cemetery was originally called Mt. Homer Cemetery. Skip to main content. Overview Eustis is one of several towns in Lake County dating to the s, a post Civil War era when settlers moved southward from other states into the Florida frontier. Clifford House Historical Museum N. Alice B. Eustis Women's Club N. Grand Magnolia Inn N. Gethsemane Baptist Church S. Iron Block Building. Past Commissioners from to Present - P.
Ross - P. Ross - H. Whitsett - Bruce S. Weeks - Henry W. Bishop - Henry W. Bishop - P. Ross - C. Newell - Henry W. Ross - Henry W. Bishop - A. DeWitt - D. Caldwell - I. Kennedy - I. Kennedy - Henry W. Bishop - I. Kennedy - Douglas R. Igou - Douglas R. Igou - Percy H. Hethcox - Harry E. Gaylord - Harry E. Gaylord - R. Schneider - R. Schneider - Frank W. Stebbins - Frank W. Stebbins - Louis C. Vogt - Louis C. Vogt - Frank W. Stebbins - Donald J. Porter - Lawrence L. Hughes - W.
Furey, Jr. Waterfield - G. Jacobs - W. Dillard - Paul B. Brown - R. Walker - Verdual W. Hamlin - E. Williams - Leslie R. Huffstettler - R. Schneider - Barney E. Facility Rentals. Report an Issue. City Projects. Latest news. Eustis Launches New Citizen Reporting Tool SeeClickFix Published on November 08, An app and online tool where citizens in Eustis will now be able to provide City staff with pictures, descriptions and locations that are needed to get service requests done efficiently.
Elected officials. Back to top. Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better. City: City: 6. Local government website: www. Average household size: This city: 2. Percentage of family households: This city: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This city: 7.
People in group quarters in Eustis in people in nursing homes 19 people in other group homes 6 people in homes for the mentally ill. Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : 51 Lake County : 1. State : 2. Number of supercenters and club stores : 2 Here : 0. Florida : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 35 Here : 1. Florida : 1. Number of convenience stores with gas : Lake County : 3. Florida : 3. Number of full-service restaurants : Lake County : 5.
State : 7. Adult diabetes rate : This county : Adult obesity rate : This county : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Here : Healthy diet rate : This city: Average overall health of teeth and gums : This city: Average BMI : Eustis: People feeling badly about themselves : Eustis: People not drinking alcohol at all : Eustis: Average hours sleeping at night : Eustis: 6.
Overweight people : Here: General health condition : Eustis: Average condition of hearing : Here: Here: Lake County: 0. Here: 7. WXXL WMGF WOCL WJHM WWKQ WOGK WJRR WSHE WHTQ WPYO WWKA WPOZ