Use your judgment to determine whether italics or other forms of highlighting are appropriate for your purpose. Method 2. Use Italics when you want to emphasize a certain word or phrase. A common use for italics is to draw attention to a particular part of a text in order to provide emphasis.
I love the word flabbergasted. Italicize words, letters, and numbers when used as specific terms. If you want to call attention to a word, letter, or number as a specific term, use italics. For example: [20] X Research source Lunsford, Andrea.
When he moved to the Denver Broncos, quarterback Peyton Manning retained his famous 18 on his jersey. Use italics when you want to show a contrast between two words or phrases.
It is also common to use italics to show contrast to your readers. You can italicize one or both words depending on your objective. The words through and threw may sound the same but obviously have very different meanings. Avoid using italics to provide emphasis or show contrast in formal writing.
Using italics to provide emphasis or show contrast is usually accepted in informal writing. However, most style guidelines advise against these uses in formal, professional, or academic writing.
For example, APA style specifies that using italics to provide emphasis is inappropriate unless the reader might miss your intended meaning without the italics. Chicago style also does not recommend the use of italics for emphasis. I am writing a book and one of the main characters has thoughts here and there. Would I those be italicized? It's not required.
Doing so would be a matter of stylistic choice. Not Helpful 6 Helpful In fiction, when I'm writing a thought in italics, and that thought includes a word that would normally be in italics, such as a TV show or book title, then the book title or TV show is de-italicized? Not Helpful 5 Helpful Roman Latin words are sometimes italicized to differentiate them from English, but it's not required. I am writing a novel that happens on a specific day, but is mostly comprised of flashbacks.
Is it all right to use italics to emphasize the chapters that happen on the day, to avoid confusion? Clarification is always a good thing, but whole chapters in italics might be overkill.
When writing a family history, is it okay to put a direct quote from a deceased person in italics? Yes, in fact that is the best way to ensure that it stands out as a quote. When writing a story with dialog in quotations, should internal thoughts be italicized? You could do that to set thoughts apart from spoken words , but that isn't normally done. Are you supposed to italicize the name of a department, e. Do I italicize dialog? For example I'm writing a manual and in one part, I'm instructing to say "Thank you for your participation today.
Not Helpful 5 Helpful 9. If you want to put emphasis on the company names in your resume, bolding is the more common practice. However, it's usually advisable to put the emphasis on your position titles instead.
When is the right time to use italics? This article will explain when to use those slanted letters and when it is best to leave them upright. There are approximately seven instances when it is appropriate to use italics in academic writing. Italics will likely appear in papers ranging from the arts to the sciences and will serve many functions.
To simplify things, we have defined when to use italics in Arts and Humanities papers four instances and when to use them in the Sciences three instances. There are many instances when humanities students find themselves unsure whether something they have just written deserves emphasis.
If your situation doesn't fall under one of the following categories, use standard font. When including a title that can stand alone, it should be italicized in almost every instance. This could be the title of a book, a story, a newspaper, or even your favorite television show.
Here is an example of a properly written title:. It is important to remember that if a punctuation mark an exclamation or question mark is included in the title, you must italicize it as well. Titles that should not be italicized are those of religious texts. The Bible is not italicized, nor are the titles of the books within it. Shorter titles, such as short stories from an anthology, journal articles, and episodes of television shows, cannot stand alone and thus should not be italicized.
When italicizing titles in footnotes, citations, and bibliographies, remember to reference the style guide required by your professor. When you really need to emphasize a word in writing, italics are the best way to do it. Italics can be used to ensure readers recognize the word requires emphasis. The effective use of italics in this manner can add flare to writing and indicate more poignant text:. In this example, the italics serve to illustrate Susan's loathing of microeconomics.
As above, you should also capitalize the first word i. There are occasions when you may want to use italics not covered above. In fact, italics are useful for most situations where you need to make some part of a text distinct. One example comes from creative writing, where some people use italics to indicate an unspoken thought.
Easy for you to say, Jeff thought. And if you need anyone to check your use of italics in a document, our editors are here to help. Just submit your work for proofreading today. Post A New Comment. You can also upload a document to get an instant quote. Browse from your device. Drop your file here! Your file is being uploaded! Creating a personal website is a great way to establish an online presence and differentiate In this post, we will As a student, essay writing is an integral part of your education.
So, how can Vancouver is a referencing style used in the sciences and other subject areas. But how When you apply for a grant to fund a community project, you have to include Find this useful? Use of Italics. Titles of books, reports, webpages, and other stand-alone works Assessment and treatment of older adults: A guide for mental health professionals Titles of periodicals and periodical volume numbers but not the comma between them American Journal of Nursing , 9 , 47— When not to use italics Do not use italics for the following cases in APA Style papers: Case Example Titles of book series the Harry Potter series The punctuation mark after an italicized word or phrase or between elements of a reference list entry e.
Words, phrases, and abbreviations of foreign origin that appear in a dictionary for the language in which you are writing a posteriori a priori per se ad lib.