Why is the huggies site always down

My son was exclusively cloth diapered. We bought a package of huggies snug and dry mickey mouse diapers to try for overnight sleeping. The first diaper we used, as soon as he peed in it he started fussing and was inconsolable an hour later. My husband changed him and called me in and there was a raised very red and in two places bleeding chemical burn.

Because we use cloth diapers all day it was very clear what caused the chemical burn. I have photos to share if there is a Hawaii class action. I have tried all kinds of creams and some powders. Specially such a wildly populated brand… The amount of babies that are probably suffering over this is astonishing.. I feel so bad for my Lil guy and as his Mother that especially since he is at learning stage of speech therapy to learn more vocabulary, he cannot tell Mommy the words to let me know if it hurts by pain or an itch, I can only go by his actions, which startles me when he is showing me that something is wrong.

I no longer have no receipt to refund since I purchased the box quantity a month a go with only two packs remaining. I would like to be included in this class action lawsuit. My grandson has also suffered from the same problem as others have explained. We tried the prescription creams which never worked and just decided to change the diapers to another brand.

My daughter and I have seen the rashes and what appeared to be chemical burns. Please add me to the class action lawsuit. I have two boys , a 1 yr old and a 3 month old. The 3 month old i feel for him he cries for every diaper change, its really red and blistered. My son to has a bad rash on his legs.

I wish I can post the picture of it. Same here my daughter was in them for 2 weeks and got a terrible rash on the bottom of her tiny butt. We took to the dr they said it was a yeast infection rash we used prescription cream for 2 more weeks so I switched brands and it got better finally but now she has 2 scars on her butt all because of a diaper and their negligence. I have used them on all 3 of my children.

Along with my granddaughter. My oldest is I have never had a Issue till now. My son is one. N this is the absolute worst. This is awful. I have had to let him go around with out a diaper cause it so pain ful for him. This is day 2 with out snug n dry n it still a huge issue. I have stock in snug n dry. As well as others Huggies n pampers as well I am scared to even put a Huggies brand on him.

I just went threw all his diapers n I have 6 boxes of snug n dry n 5 pack s. N as we knw there not cheap so I want to know what we can do about this. I have had two sleepless nights. Cause every time he pees or poops he screams bloody murder n then is in pain there after even worse. You can only imagine how he feels. N I have to carry him where there is nothing touching his butt. M front area. This has been going on for so long.

My oldest son must turned 10 years old in September and when he was about 6 months old we had to take him to the hospital because he received chemical burns from Huggies diaper.

He had the Worst burns in his diaper and he would scream in pain whenever he peed and it got on his skin or we had to wipe him up after a dirty diaper. Even baths were torture for him during the time. Shame on The corporation for continuing to manufacture diapers that cause chemical burns on children.

I have over 6 boxes n 5 packs of diapers. Take it off the shelves now!!! Have my baby in pain!!! I am one very upset mommy!!!! My poor child suffered in pain screaming miserable for weeks because of a stupid diaper brand!!!! How do I get In on this lawsuit I just quit using these diapers they left huge blisters and burns on my babies bum I am soooo mad we ended up switching to hellobello I will never use Huggies again. My granddaughter was using them and go as rash so bad she had to go the the hospital.

She was given medication cream they said it was chemical burns. We had no idea where it can from until now. We stop using them after this happened.

Had used regular Huggies and all was good but once we started using these I thought my baby was getting really bad rashes and it would happen in hours! My baby would cry in pain! I feel so bad! Today I saw my baby had a bleeding welt on his inner thigh close to his groin. How can I get a refund for the diapers. My 5 month old has had terrible rashes since we started huggies! I thought it was diaper rash and have taken her to the doctor and been using prescription ointment on her.

I feel terrible now. Our 8 month old daughter started seeming much more fussy than usual and letting off cries like she was in pain. We changed her diaper and it was bright red and was causing her soo much pain and discomfort. I used Boudreauxs butt paste and it provided instant relief.

We will be sticking to pampers diapers from now on. My daughter just turned 2 months and was crying in so much pain because of the welts and rash she had from these diapers! This is crap!! I bought 5 different diaper creams for my daughter!! My daughter suffered a really bad rash that looks like chemical burn and this is the brand I use. My baby instantly got welts from these. I thought it was the blue dye but other diapers did not do it. Then I thought maybe it was a fluke and sent the extras I had to daycare to be used and same thing.

Within just a few hours she had burns, looks completely different than a diaper rash. Yes my son suffered severe burns and pain. I have pictures and prof of purchase! My sons bottom bled and blistered! How do I get a refund or for someone to contact me?

Yes my daughter was red, blistered, and peeled. Bought almost every kind of diaper cream and nothing helped. Switched diapers and she was fine. Recently accidentally bought these diapers and put it on her and she was instantly red within the next diaper change. Taking back to the store tomorrow. My granddaughter would have such a bad blistering peeling to the point of a bleeding rash. I use the parents choice from Walmart and powder only her rash would clear up in a day or two!

Wonder why I have trust issues…. My 9 month son roman campbell has gotten sores, blisters and, a terrible rash i will never use huggies special delivery diapers or and huggies brand product again. Is there any action being taken on this? My son currently has a horrible chemical burn from these diapers! Began using them 3 days ago and his butt and genitals are covered in a chemical burn. Had to go to the pediatrician and be treated. My box is brand new! How do I claim it????

My son had sore so bad they would bleed. He had to get put on steroid creams it was so bad! I have photo proof too! This is ridiculous! My son developed a rash, he would scream when he peed or pooped. I thought it was from the milk because my niece is allergic to whole milk so I switched it but he continued with the rash, when I put pampers on him since my other 2 children use it the rash started to heal. Yes, we used these diapers exclusively for a month. We finally took her to the doctor, and we received prescription cream.

My son has been getting bad diaper rashes lately. I passed it off as his poop or pee being too acidic. I had no idea that buggies was causing this. It has gotten really bad before. Please fix the issue or take the diapers off the shelves. Who would want to intentionally hurt children? A monster. I have a pack I called them about last week! Burned my babies toosh grrr why arnt they pulling them?!?

My son who I noticed was having Bad blisters and He even started to itch himself leaving scrapes. His poor skin was severely irritated, super red, and has blisters all around! Then I heard bout the recall and it all made sense.. My 9 month old baby had horrible rashes!

He used Huggies diapers Micky mouse edition bad choice. I then changed to a different brand of diapers and all good! Poor baby. I also have pictures. My 5 month old daughter also has a burn-looking rash on her private areas, due to these diapers.

This is so disheartening. I change her diaper whenever needed and nothing just sit on her for long periods so I wondered why she was irritated down there. Now I know! My daughter has a horrible rash on her diaper area that will not go away. My daycare provider advised me about the recall. Definitely will never buy these again! So much money wasted on a harmful product. My daughter has had DOZENS of rashes, some very severe skin rubbed away and blisters which we assumed was a result of her constipation issues.

Her little booty would go from slightly red to a severe rash in 24 hours. We would have to keep her out of daycare and leave her without a diaper to try and dry up the skin so it could begin healing. We never even thought that the cause would be her diapers. Always siting that a major concern of ours was the extreme rashes it would give her.

She would not want to walk or sit on her butt. I took my daughter to the hospital in June because she kept getting reoccurring blisters on her private and butt areas. I thought it was a bacterial infection but never thought it could be the diapers. All I ever used on him are Huggies. This is terrible! My daughter used these I thought at first it was a diaper rash but I seen my other started getting the same rash so I used another brand and their rash healed properly my youngest has extremely sensitive skin I thought Huggies was the best.

I know this because I usually buy him pampers but I found a bag of huggies and decided to give them a try since a lot of moms would tell me how good they were. I wish I never used huggies because my baby got a really bad rash from them and his skin even peal off!

My grandbaby got a severe burn from using these diapers also. She would scream and cry when we would wipe her when changing her diaper. The chemical burn was so bad that her private area now has scars and discoloration. Kimberly-Clark should be ashamed of themselves for knowingly causing harm to innocent children! How sickening to know this. I got these for my son and shortly after he developed a blistered bottom.

Since it was the upper part and not even where it was soiled I knew it was the diaper. However, it took weeks to heal and he always fussed when being changed. If you ask me this is just cruel. I switched it back to our normal diapers and it has already started to clear up!! Its only been about an hour of getting it off him, and airing it out.

This is so terrible! We shouldnt have to worry about what diapers to use!!! Diapers should be safe! Yes these caused a horrible burn and blistering on babys butt. Treating it currently with burn cream. Horrible and painful. Huge huggies fan. So angry. I have only bought Huggies for my son a couple times, but it did cause a rash both times.

The second time was much worse and looked more like a burn than a rash. Im super upset!! My daughter has a sever burn on her private parts!! Very red and almost blisters!! My daughter rarely had diaper rashes before I started using these! Got these because she loves Mickey Mouse. I thought my girl just had an extremely sensitive bottom! Spent hundreds on these diapers and extra on the top of the line diaper crane bc it was the only thing that could clear her up.

Now it all makes sense! My poor baby got a terrible diaper rash with blisters and it looked more like a burn and took days to clear up. I even had to call my pediatrician about it. We are first time parents and had these diapers gifted to us and I would have never used them if I knew they would harm my child!

Grandson has had multiple problems, almost looks like a burn, red blisters causing Dr visits and multiple prescriptions! Super disappointed that this was not disclosed!

My granddaughter had a really bad diaper rash and we could not figure it out we changed her bath soap her washing detergent she had such a bad rash I would not even put a diaper on her for a little bit after I changed her. My granddaughter had terrible diaper rash with these diapers, three doctor appts before we switched her to cloth diapers. My daughter has sensitive skin and it cause her to break out so badly that her skin down there is a totally different color now.

My son was getting bad blister diaper rashes when I was using these diapers. It was so bad they would bleed! I never thought it would be the diapers I continued to use them. The one day pampers had a good sale so I bought them and sure enough no more rash!

Is it something he needs to see a doctor for or is there something I can treat it with at home? I bought these diapers because the other diapers I normally use were sold out.

After 2 weeks he got a nasty burn like diaper rash. I felt guilty like it was something I was doing wrong even though we change him often and pay close attention to ensure no rashes.

The daycare sent him home today as a result. My son had the worst diaper rash ever when we used these. He was in so much pain and so raw for days. Yes my son a few weeks ago looked like he had blisters on his butt and these were the diapers I used. They knew but let parents keep buying they should be ashamed. Omg yes my granddaughter has suffered from welts and terrible diaper rash or burns.

Now she suffers in pain and nothings working. Im having this problem right. Im not from california im in ohio what can i do now. My daughter got severe rash and blisters all over the diaper area.

I have the pictures and they are heartbreaking. This should never have happened. I bought these as a new mom and trusted the brand but after seeing my babys bottom with rashes and hurting I treated her and had to switch brands, as soon as I did the problem went away. Wish I knew this sooner! I have 3 kids and the all got really bad rashes and blisters looking On their bottom I stopped using them for that same reason finally someone says something. There were so many times I bought them not thinking it was the diapers!

I have wasted hundreds on them! That is exactly why I went to cloth diapering my last 2! Daycare refused to his his cloth, so at daycare they were always putting my toddler in their huggies! I wish I would have realized.

I bought my 6 month old grandson 3 bags and 2 boxes. In August of this year, he broke out in a horrific rash. Huggies was always the brand we used. When we changed brand, we notice a tremendous difference when changing him.

My grandbaby suffered so much from blisters, open whelps and burns. She would scream and cry in pain everytime she urinated and we had to keep her bottom caked with creams from the doctor.

I cannot believe such a trusted company would be aware of what this was doing to babies and ignore it for profit. I will not ever buy another one of their products. Took a few days to go away. I kept the area cleaned and dry and much as I could. Yes, I thought it was a rash from not changing him very often it looks like it was a typo that caused him to have that rash.

This explain the reason because he ran out of the pampers and I ended up using a different brand it it for better! Needless to say his behind is now 2 toned due to his skin peeling offz. We temporarily started using huggies pull-up with mickey mouse on them. We switched from Target brand temporarily as they have been sold out locally. My 4 yr old is now having rashes, and burns on his bottom! My daughter would get blisters and bleed when I used Huggies on her. Once I stopped using then it cleared up right away.

I started using these diapers and my daughter got a really bad rash and blisters. I will never buy Huggies again. I got five big boxes of these in different sizes for my daughter from my baby shower. Now I am a little nervous about using them. Is there an actual recall to send them back or what should I do with them?

My son used these diapers for quite a while. I would say almost his entire first year. He never suffered any chemical burn and has never had a diaper rash. The only reason I changed was because changing him was like trying to tame a wild animal!! So we went to the pampers fit that I could just pull on. He is currently 22 months old. Yes, my daughter got a really bad burn and blisters due to these diapers my poor baby girl was in a lot of pain because of these diapers.

I had to take her to the Dr. Yes my son got a rash with blisters to a point where he was prescribed an antibiotic cream for the burns the snug and dry huggies caused him i contacted the huggies corporation and i was only given a refund for the boxes of diapers, im sure my info is in there system for my complaints 2 occasions. Yes my 2 year old daughter experiences rashes and small blisters that she will scratch non stop when wearing the diapers.

I switched diaper brands and she no longer experiences that. My son has been having a rash so months now. Yes my twin boys both suffered from rashes and blisters. Once I switched back to our original diaper brand I realized it was Huggies.

I refuse to buy Huggies for myself or anyone else. My sister got these for my daughter and she broke out in an almost blistering rash and and she was so red and it hurt her. Like I had just caught it just in time before it blistered. Terrible diapers. And when she messaged the company they said nothing was wrong with the diaper and their had been no complaints about huggies snug and dry.

Here is the email they sent her. Thank you for contacting us about Huggies diapers. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. The health and safety of your child, and the children and families who use our products, is our top priority, which is why all of our materials and products are rigorously evaluated by product safety and medical professionals. There is no recall on any Huggies diapers product. Huggies diapers have been used safely by millions of babies for decades, tested to show that they do not cause irritation, and are hypoallergenic and free of both harsh ingredients and fragrances.

However, diapers are made of materials that do not create any type of chemical reaction. I am so sorry to hear that your niece experienced an irritation while using our product. We care about how our products impact your family, and the information that you have provided will be reported in detail to our diaper team.

It can be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted, including retail stores and online merchants. Please look for the card to arrive by mail in about three weeks.

Families put their trust in Huggies diapers every day, and we are committed to making safe products to meet your needs. If you have any additional questions or concerns about our products, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail at any time. My 2mo is recovering from blistering and peeling since switching her from the Huggies Mickey diapers to another brand. My baby has had a terrible rash despite me doing everything I know to combat it.

I was telling my cousin about it when she told me about huggies. I just started using a box of huggies we got from our baby shower. The rash started literally the next day. Please tell me how to join this suit! My mother had purchased snug and dry for my son and within the first day he started to get a bad rash, then the next couple of days started to blister and peel.

By then I had started to use the brand I normally use and it started to go away. He still has a rash on his bottom but it is not as bad. My son was screaming anytime his butt was touched and it was horrible. I hated having to change him because he was in so much pain. We used these! We had to get prescription strength cream because her blisters would bleed.

This makes me sad. How could someone knowingly put a baby in danger. This has been a month already. Because she might actually need a medication now. My grandson suffered severe rash at the crease of the legs area. Stopped using and within days rash was gone. Have used since newborn and this is the first time a rash has developed. My daughter suffered severe rashes, blisters, and peeling from these diapers. Never purchasing huggies ever again!!! I began my sons first month of life on huggies thinking it was a good brand but unfortunately he would get frequent diaper rashes until His grandma recommended that I should change the brand of diapers then he got better.

Will never buy huggies anymore now I know better. Both of girl suffered severe rashes and blisters from these diapers even though I changed them very often they got to to the point that they were gasping in pain our doctor said there was no other explanation for the rashes and blisters except for the diapers assumed it was severe allergic reaction said to stay away from the brand and switch diapers immediately.

My daughter broke out in an awful rash with blisters after using these diapers for only two days. Ended up taking her to the ER for it, she needed special ointment. My 7 month old daughter just started using this almost 2 weeks ago.

And now she has really bad rashes. I used these diapers on my 10 month old, always changed him frequently and always wondered why he would get a bad rash, sometimes he would get raw. It would really hurt him. I threw away all the remaining packs I had. My son continued to have sever sever rashes every time we used these diapers. Now that I have switched to a different brand the rashes are gone! It would take weeks for the rashes to heal. This is so sad for all these poor babies.

My son would cry it would hurt him so bad. They would blister and bleed. My grandson has been wearing Huggies and the skin on his privates and butt have become inflamed and it hurts him when I clean him.

Both of girl suffered severe rashes and blisters from these diapers to to the point that they were gasping for air in pain our doctor said there was no other explanation for the rashes and blisters except for the diapers assumed it was severe allergic reaction said to stay away from the brand and switch diapers immediately. My Granddaughter has been wearing huggies up until for a couple of months ago when she started having diaper rash for the first time ever.

We had this issue with Pampers newborn diapers. My son has been affected by huggies diapers. He is 5 months old- I had no idea why he had a rash because i change him as soon as the line turns blue.

I felt like i was a bad mom i blamed myself. I have spent so much money on this brand of diapers its been my go to since he first came home. It hurts to see him upset. They need to pay. How can they sell this without any care.

My newborn has severe diaper rash after using these diapers. Add me to the list of pissed off Mom. Will never buy huggies again. Physicians are diagnosing it aa diaper rash which is not providing the correct treatment causing extensive skin burn and discomfort.

My nephew and niece used Huggies, we stopped buying this product. I seen bumps on their butt. Not good, would not recommend to anyone i know.

We had bought a box and spilt them between home and daycare. We bought these just a few days ago and have only used just a couple of the diapers. And now her butt is so bad. We switched my 18month old to Huggies snug and dry mickey mouse pampers from beginning of August till today!!!! My son has been screaming crying because his privates keep getting read and burning him. Also I took all his clothes and just rewashed everything because we thought since not only was it his privates it was all over his body!!!!!

I was giving him Benadryl trying creams everything.. I can finally say the bumps starts going away he was covered all the way to his next these past few weeks with red bumps everywhere. I need to know what to do at this point. I have pictures of him with his bumps and pampers on.

I really wish I knew it was the pamper messing him up!! Been using huggies snug and dry. Poor baby was so irritable. Used huggies in the past and never had a problem. Switched to honest and things have been fine. So disappointed! My three month old suffered a chemical burn twice the first time was worse because I am in first time new mom and had no idea that this could happen I just thought he had a bad diaper rash.

My son suffered with severe rash that blistered open from these diapers! Promotions and discounts are a staple of diaper marketing, and shoppers want to save money on big-ticket purchases.

Retailers, under pressure to attract shoppers, want to hold the line on prices. Pampers missed Chinese consumers looking for solely the most absorbent diaper to finding ones that were also softer and more aesthetic. It's now projecting to grow the brand for the first time in four years. Pampers' re-emergence comes right in time: China is scrapping its one-child policy. Amazon quietly added diapers to its Mama Bear baby line for Prime members last year, and analysts confirmed that Kimberly is manufacturing the label.

Both Kimberly and Amazon declined to comment. Although Mama Bear will compete directly with Huggies, Kimberly has decided that strengthening its private label offerings is the best choice. For Amazon, its the company's second crack at diapers. But in three weeks, she went through disposables. Harris, who is not eligible for public assistance, said the local diaper bank has become a lifeline for her family. In San Antonio, the Texas Diaper Bank overhauled its program to distribute more diapers and essentials at a time to minimize contact and help families stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to executive director Jorge Medina.

Others are families who received assistance on and off, but due to job loss, they have fallen deeper into poverty and are coming for help. Families enrolled in the program receive diapers per child and wipes every three months. Seniors receive six months of incontinence supplies and women feminine pads. Find out when your store restocks. Look for community groups organizing diaper giveaways.

Dry babies with tissues, paper towels, old sheets or rags. You can also douse paper or cloth with baby shampoo to wipe bottoms.

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