As pointed out by RAND's Bruce Hoffman, in two out of 64 groups were categorized as largely religious in motivation; in almost half of the identified groups, 26 out of 56, were classified as religiously motivated; the majority of these espoused Islam as their guiding force. To better understand the roots and threat of militant Islam, here's a closer look at how modern terrorism has evolved in the Middle East and South Asia. The colonial era, failed post-colonial attempts at state formation, and the creation of Israel engendered a series of Marxist and anti-Western transformations and movements throughout the Arab and Islamic world.
The growth of these nationalist and revolutionary movements, along with their view that terrorism could be effective in reaching political goals, generated the first phase of modern international terrorism.
Following Israel's defeat of Arab forces, Palestinian leaders realized that the Arab world was unable to militarily confront Israel. At the same time, lessons drawn from revolutionary movements in Latin America, North Africa, Southeast Asia as well as during the Jewish struggle against Britain in Palestine, saw the Palestinians move away from classic guerrilla, typically rural-based, warfare toward urban terrorism.
Radical Palestinians took advantage of modern communication and transportation systems to internationalize their struggle. They launched a series of hijackings, kidnappings, bombings, and shootings, culminating in the kidnapping and subsequent deaths of Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympic games. These Palestinian groups became a model for numerous secular militants, and offered lessons for subsequent ethnic and religious movements. Palestinians created an extensive transnational extremist network -- tied into which were various state sponsors such as the Soviet Union, certain Arab states, as well as traditional criminal organizations.
By the end of the s, the Palestinian secular network was a major channel for the spread of terrorist techniques worldwide. Key Radical Palestinian Groups descriptions taken directly from the U. State Department publication " Patterns of Global Terrorism, ".
While these secular Palestinians dominated the scene during the s, religious movements also grew. The failure of Arab nationalism in the war resulted in the strengthening of both progressive and extremist Islamic movements. In the Middle East, Islamic movements increasingly came into opposition with secular nationalism, providing an alternative source of social welfare and education in the vacuum left by the lack of government-led development -- a key example is The Muslim Brotherhood.
Islamic groups were supported by anti-nationalist conservative regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, to counter the expansion of nationalist ideology. Christine and Bryan Shepherd.
Evidence from Fourteen Muslim Countries. Gause, F. Gregory III. Haddad, Simon and Hilal Khashan. Krueger, Alan B. Pape, Robert A. It organizes the public into nine distinct groups, based on an analysis of their attitudes and values.
Even in a polarized era, the survey reveals deep divisions in both partisan coalitions. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics.
Pew Research Center now uses as the last birth year for Millennials in our work. President Michael Dimock explains why. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Newsletters Donate My Account. Research Topics. What then do more recent data show? Declining Support for Terrorism Overall, the Pew Global Attitudes survey finds that support for terrorism has generally declined since in the six predominantly Muslim countries included in the study — Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, and Turkey — although there are some variations across countries and survey items.
Independence of Terrorism Measures It is clear that across all three measures, support for terrorism has declined generally. Correlates of Support for Terrorism As noted above, differences in opinions about terrorism have been linked not only to demographic variables, notably age and gender, but also to views about Islam, democracy, and the United States.
Demographic variables — these include gender, age, education, and income, as well as whether a respondent has a child under age 18 living in the household and whether the respondent regularly uses a computer.
Since measures for education and income differ across countries, for the purposes of analysis respondents are characterized as low or high education, and as low, middle, or high income. Views about Islam — Both the academic literature and the popular press have emphasized links between terrorism and an extremist brand of Islam.
Responses to three questions are used to explore any potential relationships between opinions on religion and terrorism. The first asks respondents whether their primary identity is as a Muslim or as a citizen of their country Jordanian, Moroccan, etc.
The second asks how important it is that Islam plays a more influential role in the world than it does now. The third asks whether the respondent thinks there are any serious threats to Islam today.
Opinions about democracy — Two questions test these attitudes among respondents. The second asks respondents if they are more optimistic or more pessimistic these days that the Middle East will become more democratic. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.
Studies show that people placing a high value on their own happiness can lead to less happiness, as they are disappointed when they expect to feel happy. I accept. Take action on UpLink.
Forum in focus. New toolkit protects users from thousands of unregulated mental health apps. Read more about this project. Explore context. Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis. Have you read? A year of global terrorism, captured in one map What brain science teaches us about fighting terrorism Is unemployment to blame for radicalization?
License and Republishing. Written by. More on Mental Health View all. Vigilance: attentive listening to others, reasonable awakening of consciences. The figure of the hydra indicates a reappearing danger when we thought we could overcome it. Whatever the conclusions of the investigation into the motivations of the killer of 3 October , the observation of the facts proves the President of the Republic right on this point, as the results of our research show.
It was in the United States, less than 20 years ago, on 11 September , that the deadliest series of attacks in the history of terrorism took place, leaving behind 3, dead and 16, wounded 3.
However, it is outside the Western world that countries have suffered Islamist violence more often and much more severely. Gilles Kepel, Expansion and decline of Islamism , 2nd ed. We asked ourselves whether it was possible to truly know the extent of Islamist violence in the world, to make a database of it and to share the results with interested audiences in the form of a database accompanied by this study.
To carry out such work, it was necessary first to determine the starting point of the database, to identify the most reliable sources, examine and validate them, then process the data collected, present the main lessons learned and, lastly, make the information collected available to the public. We decided to start collecting data from onwards. This year was chosen by most specialists because it reflects the historical failure of Arab nationalism competing with the movements of Islamisation and the affirmation of jihadism 4.
That same year, a number of events precipitated this development: the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, the Iranian revolution, the signing of the Camp David agreements and the hostage-taking of the Great Mosque of Mecca by a group of Islamist fundamentalists in November-December 5.
At the Islamic level, its function is also to divert radical militants around the world from the struggle against the American Great Satan — to which Khomeini incites them — and to channel them against the USSR. Afghan jihad has a cardinal importance in the evolution of the Islamist movement around the world.
It became the ultimate cause, with which all militants, moderate or radical, identify themselves. It supersedes, in the Arab imagination, the Palestinian cause and symbolises the transition from nationalism to Islamism. According to this definition, acts of State terrorism are not included in our database. Like many concepts, terrorism is subject to controversial definitions. This definition is extended to the enumeration of a set of characteristics specifying the nature of the terrorist act:.
Our contribution focuses specifically on terrorist acts carried out by organisations or individuals claiming to be Islamists. It is considered essential to our database and focuses on attacks that have been the subject of an Islamist claim or about which the available information indicates that it has been planned, decided and carried out in the name of Islamism.
Edward W. The same authors consider that Islamism has many analogies with the Muslim Brotherhood movement There are many other definitions of Islamism, often very detailed.
Militant Islamism, then, is any form of Islamism that advocates the use of violence to achieve Islamist objectives. Acknowledging that there are no universally accepted definitions of Islamism and terrorism, some researchers characterise it as an ideology whose key tenets include:. On 28 April , the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag published a list of Islamist terrorist attacks. This list covers a shorter period, from 11 September to 28 April Until , the data are extracted from the Global Terrorism For the years and , the newspaper constructed its own database.
Thus, in addition to attacks by the best-known groups, we also take into account attacks by individuals or small groups claiming to be Islamists without belonging to a particularly well- known organisation. The Global Terrorism Database does not provide any information for Since October , the year is available on the GTD.
We did not have the opportunity to compare them with our own data for these two years and , especially since the GTD is now subject to a more restrictive licensing system. It is within the framework of these definitions that we have conceived this work and that we propose here the result in the form of a database listing the Islamist terrorist attacks perpetrated in the world since 27 December The data included in our database does not extend beyond 31 August , given the time required to validate and process the information collected.
Indeed, while the attacks in Western countries have considerable visibility, due to the greater impact that violence can have in more peaceful societies, their ability to produce reliable data quickly and a particularly dense media presence, the same cannot be said for attacks that take place, much more often, in other parts of the world where all identification and intelligence processes become longer but cannot be as effective.
Therefore, the validation and classification of relevant events requires work that goes beyond the time we had to define in order to make this publication possible. To carry out our research, we used three types of sources: the collection of information on attacks since via search engines, the cross-referencing of existing databases and academic research. There are indeed various databases on terrorist attacks in general and Islamist attacks in particular All the databases in circulation were useful to us in confirming or enriching the work we were completing However, most of the databases available are very incomplete or unevenly documented.
In some cases, information may be abundant about a country, region, year or period, usually very short, then very little or non-existent for another year or country. This can be seen on Wikipedia, where data by year or theme are available but very incomplete, fragmented and in a form that does not allow statistical processing. This gigantic database compiles terrorist attacks between and The value of this set is to identify terrorist attacks regardless of their motivation.
This abundance was also the main challenge for us, since we had to extract Islamist attacks from the , attacks recorded worldwide from to We therefore carried out a selection, verification and classification of the data contained in the GTD.
We then had to supplement it with our own information, particularly for the year We worked without the GTD for the years and since data for these years were not provided It is clearly impossible to claim to propose an exhaustive database of Islamist terrorist attacks committed in the world between and , for a number of reasons detailed below.
No matter the efforts made, it is certain that a significant number of attacks falling under the Islamist category could not be recorded, either over the entire period concerned or for the years , and Islamist terrorism takes place in singular and complex contexts that some- times make it difficult to collect reliable data. This is particularly the case in situations of war, civil or international, independentist or separatist struggles and territorial conflicts that persist over long periods of time, where causalities are shifting or inextricable, as in the case of the Palestinian conflict, while in a completely different context, in Thailand for example, a separatist movement has led a Muslim minority to get involved with weapons in the name of objectives that can achieve, beyond political demands, a religious dimension.
Available data do not always allow news agencies to attribute the attack to the Islamist cause, especially if the country affected by the attack is characterised by weak administrative structures. The absence of claim of responsability can increase the likelihood that an attack will not even be recorded by agencies or that this information will not reach the press.
However, it is certainly significant. Since victims who succumb to their injuries after an attack are almost never mentioned in the available information, it is impossible to know their exact number. It is therefore also impossible to integrate these deaths into our database in a reliable way.
Thus, according to our database, we record at least , deaths and , people wounded, which is less than the number of deaths. This information leads us to believe that the number of people wounded is much higher than that in our database. Certainly, developing countries, which are the countries where most attacks take place, do not have the same capacity to identify and care for people injured in an attack.
Some of the injured are probably not even counted, while others die from their injuries after a certain period of time due to the inadequacy or fragility of relief systems and health institutions.
If we applied the ratios of the three sample attacks to the number of casualties in our database , , we would have to adjust this figure by multiplying it by three , or five times away , In all cases, the number of victims, dead or injured, is significantly lower than a reality that cannot be more precisely known. We have recorded 33, Islamist attacks that killed at least , people between and The years and have the least amount of information provided.
For , we counted 1, Islamist terrorist attacks 8, deaths and, for the period between 1 January and 31 August , Islamist attacks 4, deaths. The lower number of attacks in and compared to previous years, although still significant, does not mean a decrease in Islamist violence but results from the state of our database, which has to be consolidated. However, the considerable volume of our data allows for a simple extrapolation exercise which is to replace the information collected for the years and with an annual mean of Islamist terrorist attacks and the number of their victims.
If we calculate these averages using the most recent years, those corresponding to the cycle, we obtain an average annual number of 1, attacks causing the deaths of 8, people.
Assigned to and , these two results make it possible to estimate the number of Islamist terrorist attacks and their victims for the period Our research began in the spring of The study we are publishing here is based on the database we have developed, available as open data on data. In the following analyses, we first present the evolution of Islamist terrorism from to the present day; second, we propose an interpretation of the data according to the regions of the world and the countries affected by Islamist violence.
The accuracy of the figures does not imply such a detailed knowledge of the observed reality; the degree of accuracy results from the calculation operations applied to the database. We could only reproduce the exact result of these operations. Explore the interactive map. This work does not aim to shed light on the foundations of Islamism or to discuss the origins and justifications, in the context of Islam, of the use of violence and violence of a terrorist nature in particular.
In a different way, we consider that our contribution lies in the information that can be obtained from the exploitation of a consolidated database and the analyses to which it can give rise. However, in order to understand the value of the data shared here, it is necessary to briefly recall the developments in Islamist terrorism since Islamist organisations are firmly contained or severely repressed, as Nasser did in Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood. At the end of the s, the Islamist claim was strengthened 1.
The increase in social inequalities and corruption of the elites were denounced. Islamist movements were trying to embody a political alternative to existing dictatorships or are engaging in violent actions, as in Syria, where the Muslim Brotherhood launched an armed struggle against the Baathist regime of Hafez el-Assad. These movements of Islamisation in Middle Eastern societies flourished all the more as Arab nationalism began to falter then collapsed.
At the end of the decade, in , a window of opportunity opened up for Islamists in the Middle East and North Africa. The year was a pivotal year, the scene of several important events, including the Iranian revolution and the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR.
The Russian military operation precipitated the emergence of a new Islamism. At the same time, in Iran, the opposition led by the Shiite clergy, due to the context of intense social protest, forced the Shah to flee the country 16 January On 1 February , Ruhollah Khomeyni came to power.
In the wake of the Iranian revolution, Shia groups advocating armed struggle were formed. Among them is the Lebanese Hezbollah, created in Shia ideology is affirmed in the context of the process of Islamisation of the Middle East where it competes with Sunni legitimacy. In Afghanistan, the Soviet invasion initiates the conflict which will be considered the matrix of contemporary Islamist terrorism 2. Jihad is supported by Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Egypt.
With attacks, which cost the lives of 1, people, the s are the least deadly years compared to the decades that followed. From to , there were 69 attacks on Syrian territory, representing nearly two-thirds Attacks ceased after the repression of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, including during the Hama massacres by the Syrian army in From to , the country most affected by Islamist terrorism is Lebanon, with attacks, which caused at least deaths.
In the grips of a civil war since , the country has been experiencing the rise of small terrorist groups. A year later, the Shia organisation triggered a series of attacks on foreign institutions. An Italian patrol was hit on 15 March , although no lives were lost, but on 18 April a new attack hit the United States Embassy in Beirut, resulting in the deaths of 63 people.
At the end of the same year, on 23 October, an American base and a French patrol were terribly hit by an attack in which people lost their lives. In all, by integrating the other affected countries, Hezbollah is responsible for attacks from to , kil- ling 1, people.
In September , Paris suffered a series of six attacks, including the one on 17 September, rue de Rennes, in front of a store, which killed 7 people and injured