You may be able to destroy, but the beast will eventually come for you. Backing voice for the world reveal trailer for Modern Warfare 2. This seems to be a threat of revenge against the western world. Makarov's intention might simply have been to seek revenge for the death of Imran and Viktor Zakhaev. The first of Makarov's tactics spoken at the end of the first teaser trailer for Modern Warfare 3 set in New York City.
The second tactic from the end of the MW3 teaser set in England. This is, of course, a reference to Makarov's tactics for striking into London. Said to President Boris Vorshevsky after his presidential aircraft crashes from a siege aboard it, led by Makarov's terrorists. Vorshevsky is cornered by Makarov's men, and he personally comes out to speak and also to execute player character Andrei Harkov.
Like it ended for Captain MacTavish? Tell me, Price: how long did it take him to die? I've destroyed your world piece by piece. It's only a matter of time until I find you. The taunt relating to Soap comes from another mission which appears earlier in the campaign.
All warfare is based on deception. For years, the West's hypocrisy has made the world a battlefield. The corrupt talk, while our brothers and sons spill their own blood. But deceit cuts both ways. The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it. And when a nation cries for vengeance, the lie spreads like a wildfire. The fire builds, devouring everything in its path. Our enemies believe that they alone dictate the course of history And all it takes is the will, of a single man. The opening video for Modern Warfare 3, with Makarov's complete speech.
This speech is not shown elsewhere in the game, and certain elements of it sync with scenes shown in the video such as "while our brothers and sons spill their own blood", which shows Victor Zakhaev's final moments.
This speech is one of the longest Makarov makes, if not the actual longest. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Giant Bomb users.
This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. Modern Warfare 3 Makarov's dossier, from Modern Warfare 3; click to expand In this game, Makarov presses war on the western world. Trivia During the opening cutscene, where Shepherd gives a briefing on Makarov, you can see that he is 5' 11", and weighs lbs. Makarov's height is inconsistent between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3.
According to Shepherd's briefing in the second game, he is 5'11" and weighs lbs. In Modern Warfare 3, intel suggests that he is between 5'7" and 5'9". The fact they are inconsistent could be a mistake with Infinity Ward or alluding to how little is known about him. Modern Warfare 3's height listing could fit with the fact Makarov looks shorter than his compatriots in No Russian. Again, it could be a simple canonical change since the game was made by Infinity Ward, with some of the same employees from The other explanation is that IMDb credits Roman Varshavsky, Makarov's voice actor, as being 5'9", Makarov is an anagram of Kamarov - the name of the Russian soldier who arrives with help at the end of Call of Duty 4.
Kamarov appears again during Modern Warfare 3, and the two are quickly linked together, though not as allies or as enemies. Makarov only appears once in the Modern Warfare 2 story - you can hear him other times, but you can only see him in the mission 'No Russian'. This is not the case in Modern Warfare 3, where you encounter him several times. The 'Infamy' trailer was released on the Makarov's birthday; October 4th.
Makarov's eyes are two different colors: one is blue, while the other is green. This changes in Modern Warfare 3, with both of his eyes simply being green. In Modern Warfare 2 he has heterochromia iridum. In the Modern Warfare 2 briefing, Makarov's name is shown as V. Makarov using the patronym, derived from his father; an example of this would be Vladimir Romanovich Makarov, etc.
In Modern Warfare 3's dossier, it is marked as "V. Makarov" instead. Presumably this is considered canon, since the game was still made by Infinity Ward. Quotes Remember Translated : One. Destroy the enemy's hope for victory. Translated : Two. Use everything to your advantage. From the end of the France teaser video. Translated : Three. Use your enemy's weakness. Makarov's fourth and final tactic at the end of the Germany teaser. Translated : Four.
It was said Makarov was "kept in check" by Zakhaev during this partnership. In , Makarov along with his fellow soldier Yuri were present in Pripyat when Zakhaev was trading the fuel rods for the gold to fund the Ultranationalists and witnessed Zakhaev being shot and having his left arm mutilated by Lieutenant Price during the deal. Makarov drove Zakhaev away from the area, saving his life and earning his trust. Makarov was present during the U. He gave the order to detonate a nuclear device after receiving a phone call from Al-Asad Who was actually hiding out in his safehouse in Azerbaijan watching the detonation from Al-Asad's safehouse, with Yuri being the only one to witness this.
The blast resulted in the deaths of over 30, Marines. Among the dead were Sgt. Paul Jackson , Lt. Vasquez , Cpt. Pelayo and Lt. This was the start of Makarov's madness as his hatred escalated even further. This event would also be a reason for Lieutenant General Shepherd 's Who served as the invasion force's supreme commander motives in After the Ultranationalists became the victors in the Second Russian Civil War through the Russian presidential election on August 10, , Makarov played some part in the new Ultranationalist Russia under the mainstream party's newly elected leader and President Boris Vorshevsky.
However, Vorshevsky and the other moderate Ultranationalist leaders knew Makarov's extreme tactics would deter any hopes of trying to distance the party from its violent past and winning the support of the Russian people and for Makarov causing strained relations with the United States and the Russian Loyalists. Another reason behind his removal was his vision to see Russia return to autocratic rule, which was the time of the Tsars.
His vision could have incurred the wrath of a large number of members in the party including Vorshevsky, because this vision endangered their position as the new ruler of Russia. To ensure the Ultranationalist position as Russia's legitimate representative to the world, Vorshevsky, backed by a strong majority of members in the party, removed Makarov and his men with immediate effect and tried to improve relations with the United States and the Russian Loyalists.
Furious with Vorshevsky's decision, Makarov vowed to kill Vorshevsky and his inner circles by calling all of them traitors to their cause. A news clipping in his safehouse confirmed this newfound hatred, explaining continuous attacks that conducted by the Inner Circle toward Russia and the Western interests for the next five years.
Most likely, Zakhaev's death was the reason why he held a grudge against Price. The other news articles showed him responsible for several attacks in London and Moscow, threatening the Ultranationalists' removal from the government, fulfilling his vow to eliminate the traitors to their cause. In , General Shepherd and his Task Force were seemingly responsible for capturing Makarov and bringing him to justice.
Shepherd inserted Allen within Makarov's terrorist cell, seemingly for the purpose of some deep cover operation. However, unknown to the young soldier, Makarov knew who he was and saw him as a pawn to further escalate the tensions between the Russian government led by Vorshevsky and the U. Makarov and his men launched their terrorist attack on Zakhaev International Airport with their latest member, Alexei Borodin, Joseph Allen in tow. By the end of the assault, it was apparent that Makarov knew Borodin was an undercover CIA operative.
He killed Allen and left his body at the scene of the massacre, implicating the American soldier in the attack. Makarov explained to his men his actions were meant to bring a full-scale war between the United States and Russia.
Incidentally, General Shepherd also wanted a war between the United States and Russia as part of a plan to become a national hero and deliberately sent Allen to die. Yuri tried vainly to stop the massacre, only to collapse due to the massive loss of blood from his wound. Eventually, he was rescued and held a deep grudge toward Makarov for his betrayal and his violent acts against his own countrymen since then. The war ensued and General Shepherd was given supreme command over the military and a mandate to continue his search for Makarov, who the General truly needed dead so he could bury any evidence of foul play.
Makarov and his men were tracked down to two possible locations. One element of the Task Force was sent after Makarov in his safehouse in the Caucasus Mountains and another was sent to assassinate him at an airplane graveyard in Afghanistan. Shepherd began to purge his own Task Force of anyone who knew about his involvement with the airport massacre and the surrounding events. Makarov present at the Airplane Graveyard and unlikely to evade Shepherd for long without his forces or safehouse was contacted by Captain Price , who asked for intel on Shepherd's whereabouts.
Realizing his only hope for survival was getting rid of Shepherd, Makarov agreed to tell Price about the location of Shepherd's base, Site Hotel Bravo. Price and MacTavish acted on this information and assassinated Shepherd, giving Makarov a window to escape and go underground. Following Shepherd's betrayal of the Task Force, Makarov went underground. To achieve this goal, he secretly procured and produced a large arsenal of deadly chemical weapons to be used as a first strike weapon on many key government and military installations throughout Western Europe.
To cover his trail, Makarov convinced Viktor "Volk" Khristenko to become his bomb-maker and Volk created a front company called Fregata Industries , distributing the chemical weapons to various rogue shipping outlets in Africa and Europe. To further cover his tracks, Makarov rallied a Somalian warlord named Waraabe to take control of several African paramilitary groups in Sierra Leone, Somalia and presumably other African countries to seize control of the aforementioned outlets.
With his chemical weapons ready and military invasion force settled, Makarov hijacked President Vorshevsky's plane en route to negotiate a peace treaty with the United States and NATO. Makarov's men forced the plane to crash land they swarmed the site. With a full-scale war on the European continent, Makarov met with his advisers, whose identities or nationalities are never disclosed to the player, in Prague. Aware he was the target of assassination like Zakhaev before him, Makarov set a trap for the TF operatives.
Price and Yuri escaped, but Soap was mortally wounded and eventually died from his injuries. Makarov talked to his second in command, who was stationed in a Ultranationalist stronghold not far from Prague and discussed their plans to capture Alena Vorshevsky.
Makarov's men got there before Delta Force could and took her to an Ultranationalist base in a diamond mine in Eastern Siberia. A separate Special Ops assignment by Frost blows up the mine, killing most of Makarovs loyalists. Still furious over his abduction and betrayal by his own men and with most of Makarov's loyalists killed in the mine, Vorshevsky launched a purge to arrest every last hardliner in the party and bring them before the International Criminal Court. Fearful he might face the same fate, Makarov fled from Russia along with his small band of surviving followers.
Makarov aiming his gun at Price and he was about to kill him. In January, Price and Yuri assaulted the hotel, intent on killing him. Price caught up with Makarov, preventing his escape by helicopter by killing the pilots. As the helicopter crashed in the ensuing chaos, Makarov beat Price to his Desert Eagle and was about to kill him before being shot by Yuri. Makarov retaliated by executing the Mozambique Drill on Yuri, shooting him in both his shoulders before killing him with a shot to the head.
Enraged by the loss of another ally, Price beat Makarov down, wrapped a steel cable around his throat and slammed him through the glass roof, shredding, likely breaking his neck, and hanging him at the same time. As he gazed upon Makarov's lifeless body hanging from the cable, Price lit and smoked a cigar, having finally ended Makarov's reign of terror.
While he was monologuing to Yuri inside the Jeep and watching the weapons deal between Imran Zakhaev and the Spetsnaz soldier, Makarov was shot and killed by Price after Zakhaev got his arm blasted off by the sniper. Mainly involved in moving the women from the poorer parts of Eastern Europe to Western Europe with promises of well-paid jobs only to be forced into prostitution across Europe, the Persian Gulf and the United States.
Used the connections in Russian and Ukrainian banking to clean the money that was earned in drugs and weapons dealing that was done mainly through the transfers to Cyprus, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Provided muscle and safe passage of the Russian section of the Herdin Trail from the poppy fields of Afghanistan. Some paragraphs or whole articles are just repeated on the other newspapers.
Some newspaper clippings are also found in Makarov's safehouse, mentioning a bombing of Piccadilly Circus by Makarov, his views about Zakhaev and Russia taking notice of the airport massacre. Makarov appears in Call of Duty: Mobile , introduced in the Season 7 Radioactive Agent as a playable character and also a character in the Comics, as an antagonist.
Makarov is revealed to have used an underground lab somewhere in a desert to attempt to recreate Nova Gas. The lab, which was also used as a missile silo that housed missiles containing the replicated Nova Gas. Makarov then releases the gas and sends his team of mercenaries in Hazmat suits to ambush Ghost and Tank , who had raided the place. Ghost barely makes it out alive as his entire team is killed.
However, Makarov remotely launches the missiles, leaving Ghost with no chance to stop them. However, before he can proceed, he is interrupted by the arrival of Mara in her team consisting of Golem , Otter and an unnamed Frogman , who storm into the base in an attempt to thwart his plans. Makarov runs away, relentlessly being pursued by Mara. Just before she can reach him however, Mace , who is revealed to be working for Makarov, intercepts her.
A brief fight ensues which ends in a standoff with Mara holding Makarov at gunpoint. Mace, in a twist of events, betrays Makarov by shooting him in the head.