Because Charles Orleans will only exchange books only if you return the previous borrowed cookbooks. Now that you have a Level 1 Cookbook, you'll be able to make food items on your own now. This time, you will need to ask them if they want to see your cooking. You will be asked to create one of each kind of level 1 food Look in your cookbook for recipes. A set of ingredients to attempt every item in cookbook 1 includes: 5 grasshopper's leg 3 old frying pan 2 cooking oil 10 nipper 10 green herb 1 yellow potion 5 grape 3 red potion 1 honey 10 spawn 1 squid ink 1 bag of grain 5 yoyo tail.
If the attempt to create food is unsuccessful, more ingredients will be needed to re-attempt those foods. Once you're done, bring Madeleine your foods that you've made. You can use the one you created with Charles as one of these foods. Madeleine will package these foods in a "Bundle of Food", and you'll need to bring it to her friend Chulsoo in Payon. Deliver the bundle of food to Servant Chulsoo in Payon , , and select the option "Actually, Madeleine sent me Doing this quest will close off the other options presented by Chulsoo and they will no longer be accessible.
Therefore, you may choose to try Chulsoo's other options before selecting the Madeleine option. Return to the Prontera cooks. Madeleine will give you 10 Home Cooking Sets. At this point, Madeleine will allow you to buy Home Cooking Sets for z.
They're a bit pricier than regular cooking sets, but the higher success rate makes them more useful. Talk to Charles once again. Categories : Quests Noghalt Quests. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 28 March , at Sprinkle Yellow Spice on top and garnish the glass with the remaining half Mastela Fruit. Sort the soft Sharp Leaves and cut them into 5-cm pieces.
Afterwards, cut the leaf pieces into thirds. Soak the slices shortly in cold water and then dry. Roll the Huge Leaves and cut the rolled Huge Leaves into slices. Briefly soak the slices shortly in cold water and then dry.
Remove thorns from the Aloe Leaflets and then cut them in half. Slice the Aloe Leaflets, briefly soak them in cold water, and then dry. Place a fistful of each vegetable next to each other. Serve with Sweet Sauce and Yellow Spice spread on top.
Oil a pan and fry the bat wings for a while, and then add Hinalle Leaflet slices. Continue frying. When the bat wings are well-cooked, add Red Herb slices and salt. Cut a Jack o' Pumpkin into 6 lengthwise pieces and then scrape off the pulp and seeds from the pumpkin pieces. Reassemble the pumpkin pieces and then put the fried bat wings inside.
Steam the pumpkin and bat wings for 15 minutes before serving. Fry Baos and skim off the extra oil. Sprinkle Red Spice and then serve. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add 2 TS of Cooking Oil. Fry the Bug Legs in the pan. Prepare another frying pan in the same fashion and then fry the Scorpion Tails in the pan.
These ingredients are cooked separately to keep from mixing their flavors. Once the Bug Legs and Scorpion Tails are crisp and golden brown, add the Huge Leaf pieces and then briefly fry them altogether. Serve with soy sauce. Categories Readable Book.