Median resident age: Profiles of local businesses. Business Search - 14 Million verified businesses Search for: near:. User-defined colors Preset color patterns. Opacity: Opacity. Most recent value. Based on data. Crime rates in Milford by year Type Murders per , 0 0. Click on a table row to update graph. Full-time law enforcement employees in , including police officers: 32 27 officers.
Officers per 1, residents here: 1. Recent articles from our blog. Our writers, many of them Ph. The numbers on people suffering from asthma Oct 22 Dynamics of home-based working in the U. Oct 15 Are people living outside the metro areas cushioned against falling home prices? Oct 8 Owners prefer to build small homes outside of metro areas Oct 1 Occupational standing of different demographics Sep Recent posts about Milford, New Hampshire on our local forum with over 2,, registered users.
Milford is mentioned times on our forum:. NH news sports opinion and photos Concord Monitor. New Hampshire high school football scores: Nov October 28 - Granite Geek. Not out of any made-up fears about granitegeek. This place: 7. Amherst, NH 1. Wilton, NH 2. Mont Vernon, NH 2. Brookline, NH 2. Lyndeborough, NH 2. Merrimack, NH 2. Hollis, NH 2. Mason, NH 2. Here: 3. Educational services 6. Construction Health care Other production occupations, including supervisors 6.
Other production occupations, including supervisors 7. Retail sales workers, except cashiers 6. Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better. This is better than average.
City: City: 0. City: 3. City: 4. Average household size: This place: 2. Percentage of family households: This place: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This place: 9.
Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : 73 Hillsborough County : 1. New Hampshire : 2. Number of supercenters and club stores : 5 Here : 0. New Hampshire : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 66 Hillsborough County : 1. State : 1. Number of convenience stores with gas : This county : 2. New Hampshire : 4. Number of full-service restaurants : Hillsborough County : 8.
New Hampshire : 9. Adult diabetes rate : Here : 6. Adult obesity rate : Here : Low-income preschool obesity rate : Hillsborough County : Healthy diet rate : Milford: Average overall health of teeth and gums : This city: Average BMI : Milford: People feeling badly about themselves : Milford: People not drinking alcohol at all : Milford: 9.
Average hours sleeping at night : Here: 6. Overweight people : Milford: General health condition : This city: Average condition of hearing : This city: Unemployment Rate. Median Income. Median Home Price. Median Age. Comfort Index Climate. Nashua has grown up and prospered as a commuter suburb to Boston and its prosperous northern suburbs, offering the best of small-city living, tax climate, and considerably cheaper homes at the expense of long commutes across the Massachusetts border.
The lack of a sales tax brings shoppers across the border from northern Massachusetts, leading to a larger retail infrastructure than one might expect. Workers at these facilities will find commutes a non-issue. Read More about Milford. Educated, higher-income professionals have flocked to the areas mainly to the south and west, and have supported a strong downtown revitalization giving a very walkable core with plenty to do.
Cost of living is low for the region but is rising. The area still has some post-industrial blight and crime issues, and rapid growth plus low taxes equals some lag in creating public infrastructure and services, but it generally far forward on the upward path.
It also has the typical older downtown with several mill sites along the river, but the economy has been more depressed and for a longer period of time. However, signs of progress are starting to show; some of the mills in town have been attractively repurposed for new-economy businesses. Autodesk and Texas Instruments, recognizing low costs of doing business, have started to appear. The area has made a concerted effort to attract new business, and attractive new residential areas are starting to spring up especially to the north.
Discount air carriers have discovered Manchester and have made it a jumping off point for all of New England. Low living costs compared to Nashua and especially for the region, an attractive setting and proximity to the Boston area and other prime New England spots should make the turnaround work, but Manchester today lacks many of the entertainment and arts amenities of its southern neighbors, and has a less educated population.
Both towns lie in the valley of the Merrimack River, and both are surrounded by low, rolling, wooded hills. The river valley at Manchester is more narrow but opens to the north and east into more level terrain, supporting residential development. The climate is typically continental for areas of New England away from the coast.
Summers are moderately warm and humid with occasional spells of hotter, stickier weather and thundershowers alternating with pleasantly cool, drier periods. Fall seasons are classic and colorful, while spring is a mixed bag. Winters are cold with prevailing northwesterly winds bringing waves of cold, dry air. Winter snow cover is prevalent December through March, but periods of thawing and bare ground regularly occur.
First freeze is late September, last is late May. Recent job growth is Positive. Milford jobs have increased by 1. More Economy. More Voting Stats.
Since , it has had a population growth of 2. Learn More The National Average is