Where is jaina proudmoore in theramore

Garrosh will get more blood than he ever bargained for! I'll bring the Warchief your head! Those orcs sure love gendered insults! Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ , or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details! All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company.

Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Omorpho wants to make resistance training easier with its weighted workout clothing. Amazon adds clip sharing to the Prime Video app on iOS. Jaina and Vereesa were eager to slay the Sunreavers, but they had to focus on a much more important mission.

At the end of the siege, when Garrosh was defeated, Jaina urged Varian to dismantle the Horde once and for all. However, Varian chose not to exploit the opportunity. This section concerns content exclusive to Warlords of Draenor. While she thanked the Alliance commander , she also reminded the Horde commander that the Horde was not permitted to be a part of Council 's business. Khadgar said that it would not be his first time to disagree with the Council, and it wouldn't be his last.

Jaina and Khadgar went inside the tower to empower the commander's ring. This section concerns content exclusive to Legion. He wins the vote with only Jaina and Ansirem Runeweaver voting to keep them out. In her rage, she announces that if the Horde will be part of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, she wants nothing to do with it. Jaina then resigns her membership of the Kirin Tor and leaves the city, which results in Khadgar stepping in to lead the Kirin Tor against the Burning Legion.

This section concerns content exclusive to Battle for Azeroth. Jaina's new model as displayed on WoW's official website and announcement trailer for Battle for Azeroth. Jaina returned to Theramore for a brief time, finding and magically raising her father's ship from the deep. After the War of the Thorns , when Anduin Wrynn and Greymane led the charge against the Undercity, Jaina appeared when it seemed all was lost and the Alliance was surrounded by Sylvanas's blight.

Using her now-flying ship, she destroyed the blight outside the city and blasted open the gates with her cannons. Between the confrontation with Sylvanas and subsequent return to Stormwind, she is brought up to speed about azerite and the destruction of Teldrassil. Knowing the Alliance needs all the help it can muster for the war, she volunteers to return to Kul Tiras to beg aid of her mother, Katherine Proudmoore , knowing that there is a high likelihood of her own imprisonment.

True to her expectations, her former kinsmen shun her as she enters the kingdom, and she is immediately seized by the guards. Brought before Katherine and Priscilla Ashvane , she is sentenced to death for treason, exiled to an island off the coast of Stormsong Valley , Fate's End. Once there, she is captured and forced into the Blighted Lands , expected never to escape.

Jaina remains resigned to her fate, reliving all her past failures repeatedly. Katherine Proudmoore makes her way inside, however, asking instead that Jaina forgive her for claiming she was no longer her daughter and sentencing her. Katherine later hands the title of Lord Admiral to her, helping Jaina to achieve the goals she set out to meet.

Jaina's model received a significant update according to the announcement and images on WoW's official site. She seems to now have a similar model to the newer human models that were added in Warlords of Draenor. This section concerns content exclusive to Hearthstone.

Jaina is the first hero in Hearthstone and defeats:. This section concerns content exclusive to Heroes of the Storm. Jaina also appears in Heroes of the Storm. She is classified as an Assassin; a type of character focused on dealing damage to the opposing team's heroes.

All of her abilities feature a frost element in some form, allowing her to slow down enemies or even freeze them in place. Additionally, she can summon the mage's iconic water elemental , which will fire shards of ice at her foes.

This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft RPG , and thus unlikely to be canon. However, the truth of the matter is that she has developed an uncanny ability to read people and identify their underlying motives and intentions. She is a true champion of her people and will do anything in her power, including laying down her own life, to ensure their survival. Jaina respects life in all its forms, and will refuse to see harm come to any innocent in her presence. Life on Theramore Isle is fairly insular, but Jaina welcomes visitors with warm lodging and hearty meals in exchange for stories about the outside world.

Her people are simple, with most spending their days as kelp farmers or fishermen. In exchange for information or artifacts that might improve the lives of her people, Jaina has been known to provide arcane assistance to visitors, including occasionally teleporting travelers great distances, summoning elementals to guide them on their journeys or warding them with enchantments. In the event that her people are faced with a dire threat, Jaina will voluntarily accompany or aid adventurers who share her goal of protecting Theramore Isle.

Like Thrall, Jaina is an advocate of peace and moderation between the Alliance and Horde. Before Varian's return, Jaina was arguably the de facto or informal ruler of the Alliance. Wrynn feels that the Horde cannot be trusted, and so this inevitably places him and Jaina in a position of opposition.

Jaina has not confronted him about this directly, however, and when she has communicated with Thrall more recently, she has generally been seen doing so in secret. It was also shown that Jaina is still haunted by Arthas' descending to darkness thinking it was her fault. Against mortal foes, Jaina is merciful and tries to capture or force a surrender.

Against demons and undead, Jaina is ruthless and uses her spells to their maximum potential for damage. She prefers to remain at great range. After the fall of Theramore, Jaina's personality undertakes a drastic change as she sees the Horde in a new light, proclaiming them as rabid animals, and has a particular hatred for their new Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream. She is shown to be much colder and ruthless when compared to her previous warmer personality before Theramore's fall.

She is shown to still be cold towards the Horde during the Legion intro quest, Calling of the Council [4] , which results in her leaving Dalaran. It would appear that Kael'thas fell in love with her during Jaina's training with Antonidas but their differences in their age she was a teenager and he was several centuries old filled him with guilt and self-doubt.

When he eventually did approach her, she was at such a juncture that her studies came first. Anduin and Jaina have a mutual respect with each other and are very close friends, much like Antonidas was with Jaina years ago. Since Varian's death Jaina became Anduin's mentor and personal advisor, helping him with his duties as a king and also teaching him new arcane arts. Their relationship is quite similar that she had with Varian: close friends and allies.

Both Jaina and Varian are war veterans and witnessed war atrocities; as a result, they both are survivors and shared the same vision of wisdom to lead the world of Azeroth into a better future. They shared a strong bond of loyalty with each other as close friends and allies.

Jaina was devastated by Varian's death, growing more bitter and hateful towards her enemies. A few months later, rumors of her relationship with Arthas began to circulate. She and Arthas came to share a strong friendship that lead to very serious romance.

But initially, their duties to Dalaran and Lordaeron forced them to put things on hold for a time. When they attempted to rekindle, the Scourge invasion got in the way. Their relationship is shown in the novel Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. It is also shown that Jaina is still haunted by Arthas' descending to darkness thinking it was her fault.

In the quest Frostmourne , it is hinted that she is still in love with him. After Jaina and Thrall's forces were forced to work together after the meeting with Medivh , the two leaders soon became good friends. Thrall stated that Jaina reminds him strongly of Taretha Foxton , but Jaina has stated no specific reason for her trust in Thrall. Their relationship is nonetheless strong, even having endured the battle of Durotar, which cost Jaina her father and Thrall many of his warriors.

After the Destruction of Theramore, Jaina became a changed woman, no longer desiring peace with the Horde. Her friendship with Thrall was severely tested when she tried to destroy Orgrimmar in order to kill Garrosh. Kalecgos barely arrived in time to stop her, reminding her of Arthas. Jaina stayed her hand, but her friendship with Thrall may have been destroyed.

A number of fans have speculated that Thrall and Jaina will be romantically involved at some point. As of Cataclysm Thrall has taken the Mag'har orc Aggra as his mate, which makes this unlikely. Also, the Warcraft RPG confirms that rumors of a prior relationship are false. The idea of a relationship between the two has been denied in lore, and also by Metzen.

Wrath of the Lich King saw the beginnings of what would ultimately be a push into a dark place from which no one, not even a Proudmoore, could emerge unscathed. All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Omorpho wants to make resistance training easier with its weighted workout clothing. With her magic, Jaina raised a sunken Kul Tiran ship from the depths of the ocean, and then she spoke to her father, who was disguised as the ferryman, telling him she was listening to his wisdom now.

The apparition of Daelin turned his face to her before fading away. Jaina boarded the Kul Tiran ship and finished singing the song with her own ominous verse. With fierce determination, Jaina sailed to war. Jaina and the ferryman sailing through the seas. After the defeat of the Burning Legion, Jaina returned to active involvement in the rekindled Alliance-Horde war.

Jaina participated in the Battle for Lordaeron , arriving with her newly risen ship held in the air by her magic. She was able to clear away the Forsaken blight covering the area in front of the gates of the city and then used her ship's cannons to destroy the walls of Lordaeron and allow the Alliance in. She further participated in the battle, and when Sylvanas chose to destroy Undercity with the blight instead of allowing the Alliance to take it, Jaina teleported everyone out and onto her ship.

Jaina confronted the Horde forces at Stormwind Harbor , but a fire started by Zul forced her to put it out and save the city instead of capturing them. In response, Jaina suggested to Anduin that she should travel to her homeland of Kul Tiras and recruit its legendary fleet. While Greymane reminded Jaina that she was the reason Kul Tiras left the Alliance in the first place, Jaina insisted that dealing with that was the only hope they had of bringing them back.

She promised to return with the fleet or not at all. Jaina's ship arriving at Lordaeron Keep during the Battle for Lordaeron. Jaina in Stormwind during The Stormwind Extraction. En route to her homeland, Jaina had a nightmare where herself as a child happily sang with her father, only for him to turn around and accuse the adult Jaina of being a murderer. Upon arrival in the capital of Boralus , Jaina found that the citizens feared and hated her for her role in her father's death.

In fact, the guards arrested her on sight to take her to the Lord Admiral, her mother Katherine Proudmoore , where Jaina would answer for her crimes. Jaina went along willingly, and Katherine, urged by Priscilla Ashvane , treated Jaina as a traitor and had her be taken away to face justice. Jaina was exiled to Fate's End , an island off the coast of Stormsong Valley from which none return.

Once there, she was captured by Gorak Tul , king of the ancient drust , who pulled her into Thros. But Katherine, realizing that Daelin had lost himself, convinced Jaina to forgive herself for her actions. After finding her way, Jaina slew Gorak Tul. After clearing the city of enemies, Katherine, knowing the city's defenses would not be enough, gave Jaina her father's pendant, which she used to recall the legendary Kul Tiran fleet, which until then had been captured in a magical storm by the Tidesages.

The fleet, led by Jaina's brother Tandred , proceeded to surround the Irontide ships. Outnumbered, Priscilla surrendered. At the memorials to Daelin and Derek , Jaina, Tandred, and Katherine spoke about how Jaina had always expected Derek to be Lord Admiral, how Derek's corpse had been retrieved from the ocean floor by the Horde and used to taunt the Proudmoores, and what Derek and Daelin would think of all that their family and Kul Tiras had endured.

Suddenly Taelia Fordragon arrived with a report that the Horde was attacking Anglepoint Wharf , and Jaina left to confront the Horde personally while Katherine and Tandred rallied defenses. Jaina assured her that even in times when they cannot save everyone, they should do the best they can and never give up hope. Jaina would later travel to Zuldazar on Zandalar to retrieve the Abyssal Scepter , a tidesage artifact that the Horde had stolen from Boralus.

In Nazmir , the Alliance began a feint attack led by Blademaster Telaamon to bait the Horde out of Zuldazar while the Alliance prepared to attack Dazar'alor. They would cover the area in a mist with the Abyssal Scepter, and until it was set up Jaina and Shaw provided support for Telaamon's forces.

Once they were within range, the Alliance planned to detonate the hidden explosives they planted on the Golden Fleet 's ships. The Golden Fleet, however, began harrying the Alliance navy with their ballistaes and one of them collapsed the deck by Gelbin Mekkatorque 's position just as he was about to detonate the explosives.

Jaina began using her magic to shield her ship from missiles; just long enough for Mekkatorque to re-position his remote detonator machine and blow up the entire Golden Fleet defending the Port of Zandalar. With the Golden Fleet in ruins, the Alliance navy invaded Dazar'alor with little resistance.

Jaina serves as a boss during the Battle of Dazar'alor raid. Following the death of King Rastakhan , the Alliance fleet withdrew from Daza'alor. Although there was victory, Anduin mourned the loss of life and worried about Gelbin Mekkatorque , who barely survived after his encounter with Jastor Gallywix. Anduin also worried that rather than drive a wedge between the Horde and Zandalari, killing Rastakhan had only ignited the Zandalari's fury.

While Wyrmbane, Genn, and Shaw wanted to push the advantage and win the war in a matter of weeks, Jaina argued that attacking while the Zandalari mourned their king would make them no better than Sylvanas. Anduin resolved to keep fighting, but said that the Alliance must never lose sight of who they are and what they stand for.

After Genn, Shaw, and Wyrmbane left, Jaina and Anduin spoke in private about the losses in Dazar'alor and Mekkatorque's state of health, which neither Jaina nor Stormwind's priests could help. Anduin was glad to have his honorary aunt back with them, and Jaina commented on how much had happened while she was away; specifically, she wanted to know about the rumors she had heard of her old friend Calia Menethil and what happened in Arathi Highlands. The two left to go somewhere private to talk.

Though initially hostile to the idea, Jaina agreed to the meeting under the condition that she wouldn't be going alone. This shock quickly turned to an outrage due to believing that Derek was Sylvanas's puppet, but Derek was able to reassure his sister that his mind was his own and that Baine had saved him from such a fate. A shocked Jaina could only ask Baine why and the High Chieftain responded that there was a sickness in the Horde, that they waged war even as the Earth Mother was dying, that the Horde has forgotten what truly matters, and his heart could no longer bear it.

In response to Jaina's warning that Sylvanas could kill him for this Baine merely replied that "No life was worth living, if we cannot be true to our nature. In response to Derek's uncertainty of where his path forward was, Jaina declared that they would find the answers together. Seeking to help her brother, Jaina brought him to Calia Menethil. Though Kul'Tiras and the Alliance sealed their pact, Jaina wanted to cement their bond with a grand gesture.

To be precise, she wanted to build Anduin a ship worthy of the Kul Tiran navy. After catching wind of the remains of the Horde fleet moving out to the sea, the Alliance assembled their fleets to finish the Horde's naval power, with Jaina among their forces. Realizing that their shelter was barely defensible, and much of the Alliance army was in an even more precarious position, Jaina elected to search deeper into Nazjatar for a more defensive position.

Deciding to work together, the Waveblade Ankoan allowed the Alliance to regroup and reinforce their base of Mezzamere. She further believed it would be best to learn more about the ankoan and helped establish a portal between Mezzamere and Boralus. Determined to discover their fate, Jaina and the Alliance adventurer performed a ritual and discovered that the scouts had been killed and that Azshara was in possession of the [ Tidestone of Golganneth ]. Jaina later turned to Blademaster Okani to discover what insight he could provide against the naga, [] and the blademaster and champion subsequently set out to rescue enslaved members of the Waveblade.

She believed that by doing so the Alliance would show them that together they could take on Azshara's forces and succeed. After Alliance spies caught wind of Sylvanas Windrunner planning to assassinate Baine Bloodhoof Jaina, recognizing that she owed Baine for returning Derek to her, agreed to Anduin's request to rescue Baine.

Thus, she, along with Mathias Shaw and the champion headed off to Orgrimmar. When things started getting heated between Saurfang and Shaw, Jaina and Thrall were quick to get them focused on the task at hand. Upon nearly reaching Baine, the group was attacked by Rowa Bloodstrike , who expressed disappointment but not surprise by Saurfang's and Thrall's decision to rescue Baine. Unwilling to stand down, the group was forced to kill Rowa and moved forward to Baine, who was surprised by their presence.

While Shaw moved to release Baine from his chains, Saurfang remarked that it felt too easy and the group was then attacked by Magister Hathorel , who sought to kill them and Jaina in particular for vengeance for the purge of Dalaran. Ultimately, the group was successful in liberating Baine from his chains, and Jaina teleported the group safely out of Orgrimmar into Mulgore.

Revealing that he wished he could change it all Cairne , Garrosh , and Theramore Isle and that sometimes he feels as if he did everything wrong. Following Jaina's comment about everyone having blood on their hands, Thrall revealed his belief that Sylvanas would now come for Thunder Bluff to burn it like she did Teldrassil. However, Thrall was unmoved due to remembering all the times that the Horde and Alliance had come together and how they let it fall apart and asked Jaina what was different this time.

In response, Jaina told him that they were different and then departed to let Anduin know of the mission's success. Upon returning to Nazjatar, she informed Genn of what had occurred and argued that they had a common enemy in response to Greymane's outraged at saving a leader of the Horde.

Remarking that Sylvanas and Azshara wanted the Alliance and the Horde at each other's throats, Jaina suggested that they direct their efforts Azshara instead of the Horde. She further encouraged that it would buy time for Saurfang's rebellion to take root. Though wary Genn agreed but warned she that if the Horde turned against them, they will answer for it.

Seeking to gain control of the Tidestone away from Azshara, Jaina directed Shandris Feathermoon and the champion to investigate the ruins of Zin-Azshari for anything potent enough to counter Azshara's sorcery. En route, however, the Alliance encountered Horde forces led by Lor'themar Theron and First Arcanist Thalyssra and after a brief argument, both sides agreed to fight together against Azshara's forces, where during the fighting Jaina worked side by side with Thalyssra.

After the Javelins of Suramar were used to shatter the Tidestone's protective barrier around Lady Zharessa , Jaina joined the fight against Azshara's champion. However, Lor'themar and Jaina argued about which side would deal the final blow to the Queen only to be interrupted by Azshara herself, who formally invited all of them to enter her palace. Accepting Azshara's invitation, Jaina was among the forces to strike at the heart of Azshara's power. After Azshara was defeated, Lor'themar and Jaina approached about to finish her off when the chains binding N'Zoth shattered and the Old God subsequently rescued Azshara.

Though triumphant over Azshara, Lor'themar declared it a hollow victory as not only did Azshara survive but N'Zoth was freed. In response, Jaina declared that the Fourth War had kept them distracted and that divided they had no hope against N'Zoth. Agreeing with Jaina's assessment Lor'themar revealed to her his vow to tell his people of what transpired in Nazjatar, of how Azshara fell because the Horde and Alliance stood together, of the rising threat of N'Zoth, and his promise to take his place besides Saurfang and Thrall.

Jaina was among the Alliance forces to join with Varok Saurfang 's revolutionaries against Sylvanas Windrunner. During this meeting, Calia and Derek learned that the war was over and it was implied that Calia and Derek had grown close.

As the three conversed the Proudmoore siblings remarked that others would benefit from Calia's guidance, much like Derek had. She also learned that the Horde had abolished the Warchief position for a council style leadership. Following the meeting, she noticed that Anduin remained tense and was told that while she found peace in her heart, he couldn't say the same about himself and his belief that neither Tyrande nor Genn would consider the war to be over until Sylvanas was brought to justice.

In response, Jaina expressed her belief that Sylvanas couldn't hide for long with Kul Tiran fleet scouring the seas and the SI:7 searching every dark corner of Azeroth. However, Anduin revealed that he wasn't concerned that Sylvanas would remain hiding but that she wouldn't, he then changed the subject by asking Jaina about a messenger from Kul Tiras. He subsequently learned that Taelia Fordragon sought to see Stormwind and learn more about her father. The pair then got into a brief argument about telling Taelia that he had become the new Lich King , with Jaina believing that she should be informed about her father's fate.

In the end, Jaina decided that the decision remained in Anduin's hands but warned him that if she learned the truth was kept from her, it would hurt her all the more. Knowing that Anduin was concerned by the lack of progress by Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner in finding Sylvanas Windrunner , Jaina sought to counsel him towards patience but none of her arguments were able to ease his troubled heart. Thus, when Anduin requested that she personally check on the pair for an update, she agreed.

Jaina was then disturbed to see that the pair had been interrogating a man by having Turalyon use the Light to shackle him in place, while Alleria's Void powers invaded his mind. When Turalyon justified their actions by saying that the man had sheltered an agent of Sylvanas, Jaina demanded to know how he had known to which the paladin revealed that the man had a dagger that was more fitting in a Forsaken scabbard, and Alleria revealed her interrogation revealed that the dark ranger was heading towards Zandalar.

Though Jaina found that she could not argue with the results of their use of both school magics, she certainly argued with the method and asked if Anduin was aware of their tactics.

In response, Alleria revealed that Anduin had told them to use whatever means necessary in the hunt for Sylvanas. This caused Jaina to declare that Anduin wouldn't be pleased with these tactics and revealed that she certainly wasn't. However, Turalyon was steadfast in his belief that their methods would make sense in time.

Jaina then departed to personally inform Anduin of the information they received and exactly how they obtained it. She further revealed her belief that their tactics represented him poorly and by sanctioning them she questioned what it said about them.

After a moment of thought, Anduin said that they would do whatever they must to bring murders to justice. That it said that they shall not forget those lost in war, never forgot Teldrassil , Lordaeron , and the mak'gora. He then reminded Jaina how not so long ago she was not above the swinging the harsh hammer of retribution and asked if she had forgotten. Jaina retorted that she had not forgotten but reminded him how his father had once warned Vol'jin to uphold honor or be ended.

She further remarked that one her brightest wishes was for Anduin's reign to endure and be remembered fondly, for more than anything that he was remembered in the same breath as his father. Anduin responded by remarking that difficult decisions have to be made and that he trusted Turalyon and Alleria. He then asked her if their statues would preside over Stormwind if they were without honor.

This caused Jaina to remark that people change. The young king agreed but once more declared that he trusted Turalyon and Alleria, despite the misfortunes that have befallen them. He then pointed out that Stormwind would not exist without them, that they were woven into the very fabric of Stormwind's history. Recognizing that there would no swaying him, Jaina told Anduin that clarity and time are the final editors of all stories, as she would know.

Sometime later, she hosted Turalyon and Alleria in Boralus , as they had come at Anduin's request should Mathias Shaw discover nothing on the Zandalari coast. They were soon interrupted by Flynn Fairwind , who reported that Shaw had been taken prisoner by the Zandalari Empire. Whereas Alleria immediately jumped to the conclusion that Sylvanas was working with the Zandalari, Jaina called on her to not add fuel on an already kindly fire and risk the treaty.

Jaina then stated she would use the treaty itself before turning to the blade. Thus, the Horde Council received a missive from Jaina where she revealed that they were aware of the unrest in Zandalar , their belief that Talanji was working with Sylvanas, and that they had requested to speak with the council. In the end, the council voted unanimously in favor of Thrall and Ji Firepaw to meet with Jaina and Anduin in hopes that it would aid in the hunt and capture of Sylvanas Windrunner.

Thus, they subsequently met on a boat at seas off the coast Zandalar. In a show of open trust, Thrall revealed that he had met with Tyrande Whisperwind , stunning both Jaina and Anduin. While Thrall was quick to smooth over Anduin's worries over the idea of the Horde betraying the Alliance by allowing Sylvanas to have a refuge on Zandalar , the information they received allowed the orc and pandaren to realize that the Banshee loyalists were aiding the Widow's Bite.

When Anduin mentioned how Shaw was taken prisoner by the Zandalari Empire , Ji reassured the young king that the Horde Council did not execute prisoners without trial.

However, Anduin retorted that he wished to have Shaw returned soon, which made Thrall told them to give him two days. When the waves threatened to upend the boat, Jaina ported everyone to safety. Jaina later secretly traveled to Goldshire , where she caught Anduin in the town under the alias of Jerek. When Anduin noticed her, he admitted that sometimes he needed to be a boy again, and Jaina told him that she understood. She then reminded him that he had caught her red-handed. After the Horde destroyed the Widow's Bite and saved Bwonsamdi , they released Shaw and sent him back to Stormwind with Sira Moonwarden , who was captured at the end of the conflict.

Jaina was visibly surprised at this revelation and soon learned that Thrall wished for Sira to be delivered to Tyrande. When Anduin tried some magic to make Sira tell him where Sylvanas was, the fear on Jaina's face shook Shaw to the core.

When the Scourge began to rampage across Azeroth with the Lich King gone, Jaina was targeted by the Mawsworn , who struck hard and captured Jaina before she could even cast a spell. She was subsequently taken to the Maw.

Jaina is one of the most powerful mortals in the World of Warcraft universe, and four years after the Third War , was described as "the most powerful human sorceress alive". Jaina is a skilled practitioner of transmutation magic and developed a powerful variation of the mass-teleport spell capable of moving a significant portion of an entire army with "minimal effort", making her extremely unpredictable on the battlefield.

She is depicted as knowing the Brilliance Aura spell, able to bolster her allies' mana regeneration, such as at the Alliance Base during the Battle for Mount Hyjal. She uses an improved version to enhance mana and other energy regeneration, as well as increase running speed in battle for the Undercity and briefly encased all the Alliance and Horde units including Thrall and Sylvanas in ice before teleporting Varian and his army back to Stormwind.

Likely owing to her Kul Tiran heritage as "Daughter of the Sea", Jaina seems to specialize as a Frost Mage, but is also capable of using arcane and fire spells as well in concert, and has been described as having "always been most proficient at summoning powerful elementals of water and ice".

She is also able to use formidable abjuration magic, warding Darnassus against magi and rogues alike, [57] using an [ Ice Barrier ] to survive an intense battle with Arthas Menethil before imprisoning him within an "Ice Prison" preventing all action, [] and conjuring an arcane barrier to shield herself and the other Alliance leaders from the Blight unleashed by Sylvanas Windrunner at Lordaeron while simultaneously teleporting them away to safety.

Augmented by the lingering effects of the mana bomb , Jaina easily slew roughly thirty armored orcs within several minutes using a combination of arcane, fire, and frost spells. With the Focusing Iris , Jaina was able to single-handedly create a tidal wave made up of thousands of water elementals bound together, capable of destroying Orgrimmar , and was able to nearly kill Thrall during their battle, using the water elementals within his [ Water Shield ] against him.

During the battle, she also quickly dispelled or rendered inert the Blight using a massive [ Ring of Frost ] combined with a [ Frost Nova ] , and raised several ice walls to block off reinforcements. Jaina is not without her weaknesses and limitations, however.

She was nearly killed by a single bullet after the trial of Garrosh Hellscream in Pandaria , demonstrating that without proper magical protection, she is physically just as vulnerable as most other humans. Jaina wields the [ Staff of Antonidas ] , gifted to her by her former master as his most promising apprentice, [] and charged with with the remnants of the Thunder King 's power, turning it into the [ Storm-Stave of Antonidas ].

Please add any available information to this section. Jaina Proudmoore was one of the most inquisitive and talented sorceresses in Lordaeron. With her power and intellect, many survivors of Lordaeron looked to her leadership to thrive in the foreign lands of their nation in Theramore Isle while other leaders of the Alliance appreciated her wisdom in their faction's affairs.

Although she was originally wary of the orcs, [] she later fought and advocated for peace and moderation between the Alliance and Horde. Even so, old hatreds or manipulation from nefarious agents have constantly undermined her efforts to promote diplomacy between the rival factions. Jaina has gone to great lengths to appease the costs of peace, even going so far as to sabotage her father, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore , in his campaign to annihilate the Horde and let the Horde forces kill him.

After the fall of Theramore to Garrosh 's mana bomb , Jaina became deeply affected by the trauma of the event. For a time she believed that her father had been right, snapping out of it only after Kalec forced her to acknowledge that her anger was making her act exactly like Arthas had been. Though still strong and independent, she is no longer as friendly or as trusting as she once was, especially to the Horde.

Jaina has become committed to removing Garrosh from power. Though the initial rage she showed was a side-effect of the bomb, she is much less tolerant of orcs now though she no longer possesses the desire to kill them all, and realizes that not all of them are like Garrosh and for a time ceased her friendship with Thrall, citing him as the root cause of Theramore's destruction as he placed Garrosh in power in the first place.

During the events of Garrosh's trial, however, the two made up. Even the Sunreavers ' role in betraying the Kirin Tor neutrality by circumventing her wards to aid the Horde in obtaining a magical weapon of destruction further reinforced her justified distrust of Horde aligned races.

In spite of this, she admitted that peace may be possible if Garrosh is removed, and admitted that she wished she had parted with Thrall on better terms, implying that it may be possible to mend fences later on.

She also felt guilt for planning to wipe out Orgrimmar but still firmly believes that Horde power, aggression, and influence should be checked. Jaina is more bellicose now and will not hesitate to act militantly to those who threaten the security of her people or undermine peace, although she still draws the line at killing non-combatants.

As a result of her experiences, she is emotionally damaged, but is essentially a "complicated" and "conflicted" character rather than an evil one. In an interview regarding Garrosh Hellscream 's wavering personality, Christie Golden replied:. He was very hostile about his father and ashamed of his father, and it took Thrall to say, "Hey, look, you know your dad did some pretty amazing things despite everything.

He also had to prove himself in battle externally. And now he is surrounding himself with some very bad and dangerous advisors, externally. Because I think that at the core, he doesn't really know. He wants to do well. He wants to preserve the orcs and their pride and their history. But I think he is actually a rather malleable person whose opinions can change. He doesn't have a strong core. I think the main difference -- Jaina has a very strong core.

And when adversity and disaster and personal torment rip her down to nothing but that core, that core is still intact. It's hurt, but it's intact. And Garrosh doesn't really have a strong core. So what he believes kind of changes depending on what the situation is and who's talking.

And I think that does not a good strong leader make. You are nothing more than rabid dogs, and you will be put down! You spit on mercy? Then you will have NONE. You want carnage? Garrosh will get more blood than EVER he bargained for. Jaina's current attitude towards the Horde seems to be considerably friendlier than before, but for a long while, her views towards them seem to be very complicated; Anduin watched her try repeatedly to ease her pain, only to have "some fresh torment reinjure her wounded heart".


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