The Singapore Free Press , p. Orphans await the pandit. Free cakes for temple children. Centenary of great Indian reformer. What 10 years of public life has taught me: By Kuan Yew. Room for kids with new building extension.
Further resources Singapore. Preservation of Monuments Board. The vision and mission of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission is best described in the words of its great founder Swami Vivekananda —. From here will be disseminated ideals harmonizing jnana, bhakti, karma and yoga… There should be first annadana , or the giving of food and other necessities of physical life; next vidyadana or imparting of intellectual knowledge; and last of all jnanadana or conferring of spiritual knowledge.
The harmonizing of three aspects that conduce to the making of man, must be the sole duty of the Math… We shall make this Math a great centre of harmony. Sri Ramakrishna is the visible embodiment of the perfect harmony of all ideals… We must see to it that people of all sects and creeds, from the brahmana down to the chandala, will find on coming here their respective ideas manifested.
Granted that by realizing the Atman in meditation you attain mukti liberation but what is that to the world. We have to take the whole universe with us to mukti. Then only you will be established in the eternal truth. In that state you will be speechless, carried beyond yourself, by seeing your own Self in every being that breathes, and in every atom of the universe. When you realize this you cannot live in this world without treating everyone with exceeding love and compassion.
This indeed is practical Vedanta. The mission is named after and inspired by the Indian saint Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and founded by Ramakrishna's chief disciple Swami Vivekananda on 1st May It aims at the harmony of religions and promoting peace and equality for all humanity. Ideology The ideology of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission is based upon the universal religious spirit of Vedanta.
It was under his influence that Swami Vivekananda expounded Vedanta all over the world. This ideology holds a triple significance; it learnt and realized the principles of Vedanta in his own life and then is modern in the sense that the ancient principles of Vedanta have been expressed in ;the modern idiom. It is universal, that is, it meant for the whole humanity.