What makes someone ratchet

A person could say, "It is so ratchet that you won the lottery" and that is positive. Or they could say "Could you believe X's inappropriate behavior? They are too ratchet," which is clearly negative.

Go on youtube and type in "Johnny too bad" by various Jamaican artists,most notably Jimmy Cliff and the excellent Slickers versions as well as another great one by our own Taj Mahall. The term "ratchet" is used in this song for a pistol.

My assumption: to ratchet something loose from someone. The tool of choice for a thug,gangster or "jackboy". Makes sense to me. I know its straying from the topic but the term has been around down in the islands and in Jamaican communities here for decades. Ive heard it used in Miami as far back as the mid 80s.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What does "ratchet" mean and when was it first used?

Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 10 months ago. Active 6 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 55k times. Some real examples from just now: "All these ghetto ass ratchet ass girls at mchi are wearing these Santa hats, and they all claim to be Santa What does ratchet mean? Where does it come from and when was it first used? Was there a single person or event which popularised it, and when was it?

Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Hugo Hugo I've always kind of hoped it was a bastardisation of "rat-shit" — Brad. I was looking for something that answers all four points. Something more authoritative would be good too, as your number one from UD's no.

The other is UD's number 45, with more downvotes than up. Both could be seen as cherry-picking from UD's definitions for "wretched" explanations. I think you should offer a small bounty.

I'd be interested in knowing more about this expression, especially after seeing mplungjan has deleted his post. Excellent question! A couple of sources that might be useful: nymag. With regard to your question to "when was it first used? Show 2 more comments.

Active Oldest Votes. What does 'ratchet' mean, and how is it pronounced? Ratchet [is] used to describe someone means nasty, ghetto or trifling.

Improve this answer. Sven Yargs Sven Yargs k 30 30 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. From an noun perspective; ratchet seems to be synonymous with females but not necessarily limited to gender. As a noun, any person, place, or thing that has a reputation of being wretched. So as you see, ratchet can be anything. According to Urbandictionary.

The girl who thinks she's hot she's actually ugly and unflattering, probably being sloppy and obnoxious, and has a big attitude. Flint, we need your help with some examples of ratchet behavior to fully explain to people who are left out of the loop. Ratchet , as noted, was and still sometimes is used to insult women. City girls really bring the ratchet side of me out owwww pic. Bitches really be mad that you not ghetto and ratchet like them. EriOnDaWeeknds January 4, Ratchet women persisted as a stereotype in the s.

Her style featured overdone eyebrows, long fingernails, conspicuously fake weaves, gaudy jewelry, and twerking. Pop star Miley Cyrus was accused of appropriating minority ratchet culture in But ratchet as has ghetto has been experiencing something of a reclamation. My skin looking ratchet asss fuck and my allergies making me look dusty. I feel dusty. This is not meant to be a formal definition of ratchet like most terms we define on Dictionary.


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