Our geographic footprint goes well beyond the city of Davis. Skip to main content. United States. Get free study advice Admissions Support Courses. Explore these featured universities. Kyungpook National University Video. Politecnico di Milano Video. East Asian Studies Major Minor. Ecological Management and Restoration Major Graduate program. Economics Major Minor Graduate program.
Electrical Engineering Major Minor Graduate program. English Major Minor Graduate program. Entomology Major Minor Graduate program. Environmental Engineering Major. Environmental Science and Management Major Graduate program. Environmental Toxicology Major Minor. Food Science Major Graduate program. French Major Minor Graduate program. Genetics and Genomics Major Graduate program. Geology Major Minor Graduate program. German Major Minor Graduate program. Global Disease Biology Major Minor.
History Major Minor Graduate program. Human Development Major Minor Graduate program. Hydrology Major Minor Graduate program. International Relations Major. Italian Major Minor. Japanese Major Minor.
Landscape Architecture Major. Linguistics Major Minor Graduate program. Managerial Economics Major Minor Graduate program. Mathematical Analytics and Operations Research Major. Mathematical and Scientific Computation Major. Mathematics Major Minor Graduate program. Mechanical Engineering Major Graduate program. Music Major Minor Graduate program. Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Major Graduate program.
Nutrition Science Major Minor Graduate program. We do and we always will. Our talented students are more likely to collaborate than compete. This friendly approach has led to an incredibly rich campus community that turns big ideas into real solutions.
UC Davis is a tier-one research university. Discoveries made by our students and faculty continue to improve the lives of people here in California and around the world.
In addition to our undergraduate and graduate study opportunities, we have professional schools in medicine, law, business, veterinary medicine, nursing and education. Through the Global Learning Hub, students can find global learning opportunities available on campus, in the region, and across all seven continents.
Bodega Marine Laboratory BML is a leader in multidisciplinary research aimed at solving complex environmental problems in coastal ecosystems. TERC is internationally recognized for its multidisciplinary, collaborative research on lakes and their surrounding watersheds. UC Davis Graduate Studies supports and advances graduate faculty-student mentoring through a variety of efforts, such as the Distinguished Graduate and Distinguished Postdoctoral Scholar Mentoring Awards.
We should take a moment to acknowledge the land on which UC Davis is located. For thousands of years, this land has been the home of Patwin people. The Patwin people have remained committed to the stewardship of this land over many centuries.
It has been cherished and protected, as elders have instructed the young through generations. We are honored and grateful to be here today on their traditional lands. Connecting our research and expertise to the effort to feed a growing population under a changing climate.