What is reconnective healing wiki

General and comparative study of the psychokinetic effect on a fungus culture. J Parapsychol. Grad B. A telekinetic effect on yeast activity.

Haraldsson E, Thorsteinsson T. Psychokinetic effects on yeast: an exploratory experiment. Nash CB. Psychokinetic control of bacterial growth. J Soc Psychical Res. Bengston WE, Krinsley D. Braud WG. Distant mental influence of rate of hemolysis of human red blood cells. J Am Soc Psychical Res. Therapeutic touch stimulates the proliferation of human cells in culture. April ; 14 3 —9.

Evaluating biofield treatments in a cell culture model of oxidative stress. Explore NY. Jul-Aug ; 3 4 — Snel F, Hol P. Psychokinesis experiments in casein induced amyloidosis of the hamster.

JParapsychol ; 5 1 — Solfvin J. Psi expectancy effects in psychic healing studies with malarial mice. Possible PK influence on the resuscitation of anesthetized mice. Schlitz M. PK on living systems-further studies with anesthetized mice. Paper presented at Parapsychological Association convention; abstracted in Journal of Parapsychology, Two meta-analyses of noncontact healing studies.

Jonas WB. The middle way: realistic randomized controlled trials for the evaluation of spiritual healing. A systematic review of the quality of research on hands-on and distance healing: clinical and laboratory studies. Touch therapies for pain relief in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. October 8; 4 :CD Intercessory prayer for the alleviation of ill health. April 15; 2 :CD Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer STEP in cardiac bypass patients: a multicenter randomized trial of uncertainty and certainty of receiving intercessory prayer.

Am Heart J. July ; —7. Leder D. October ; 11 5 — Crick F. The astonishing hypothesis : the scientific search for the soul. Edelman S. Computing the mind: how the mind really works.

New York: Oxford University Press; Experimental proof of nonlocal wavefunction collapse for a single particle using homodyne measurements. Nat Commun. Realistic loophole-free Bell test with atom-photon entanglement. Adolphs R. The unsolved problems of neuroscience. Trends Cogn Sci. April ; 19 4 —5. New York: Random House; Leibovici L.

Effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: randomised controlled trial.

Braud W. Wellness implications of retroactive intentional influence: exploring an outrageous hypothesis. Vandenbroucke JP. Preregistration: when shall we start the real discussion? Eur J Public Health. August ; 25 4 —6. Omura Y. Acupunct Electrother Res. Bengston WF. Methodological difficulties involving control groups in healing research: parallels between laying on of hands for the treatment of induced mammary cancers in mice to research in homeopathy. April ; 10 2 —8. Bengston WF, Moga M.

Resonance, placebo effects, and Type II errors: some implications from healing research for experimental methods. April ; 13 3 — He claims that one who dies in a calm, natural manner slowly loses his 'aura' after 36 hours; whereas, someone who suffers a sudden, violent death loses his 'aura' suddenly after 72 hours. Because if RH can triple anyone's income in one session, I think the RH healer would force everyone in her family to lay their all day for her to wave her hand on them.

Brian, with the above reasons, I think it is perfectly reasonable for anyone to be skeptical and want to research a little more about RH before they hand over their hard earned money to the healers. After all, even Dr. Sarno, a real and respected doctor with hundred of thousand of proven record of heal patients were call a quack by many in the conventional medical world. So don't get annoy by me. The people who got heal for real by RH will spread the words. Balto, My annoyance is strictly due to people who may read your post and immediately discount RH as legitimate.

I've seen a lot of amazing things in my life that have helped a lot of people. They sound outlandish, and yet they consistently happened. I'll share a five-year stretch of those in a minute. But for now, know that there are some inaccuracies and a lot of information left out of what you just posted in your last post. I'll address some of them later.

What I did with them is nothing like what psychologists do. It wasn't energy healing or anything of that sort. I simply showed them how to go inside their "system," if they didn't already know how, and showed them how to find God in that place and love all of their alternate personalities unconditionally or as best they could.

When each personality was accepted unconditionally felt loved unconditionally , that personality would start to integrate with other personalities.

Just think of each one as a person. In the "system" the person's inside world , each personality looks like a person. Each personality looks the way they did when they split off, so a 12 year old personality will look just the way she did when she was 12 and the abuse occurred that caused her to split.

This "system" is another world. It looks like this world, but without all of the industrialization. It's very natural, but usually has things like the person's house from childhood or some safe place for them, and maybe some other structures from other times in their life that made them feel safe. There are also structures in different parts that look exactly like places they were abused. They see angels and demons in this place. The angels always look the same no matter who's seeing them and no matter what religious beliefs they have some of them are Atheists.

The angels are always 2, 4, or 6-winged, and each type has distinct differences and functions. No matter what multiple I worked with, they always saw the angels this way, and I rarely told them what the angels were supposed to look like, or even that they would see angels. They offered up this information without me saying a word about it usually. I was very careful to mention as little as possible so they could discover this stuff theirselves and know that it was real when I told them all the other multiple see the same stuff, generally.

At least the multiples who have explored their inside world extensively have seen those the same things. When I would pray, silently to myself, that they would see God's light in their inside world, they'd say, "I see a light in the distance.

They'd always hit a river or stream without me telling them about it. They'd follow it and it would always lead to that light, which would turn out to be God. He was always in this Fountain or Life or Waterfall of Life.

He'd heal their emotional wounds, and this "Water of Life" there helped with this, too. Now, keep in mind, these people have all manner of curable and incurable diseases, and they were usually grossly overweight.

They had all kinds of emotional problems. When one alternate personality would take control of the body, the eyes would be blue and vision was bad so their glasses were necessary. When a different alternate personality would come out, the eye color would change, the eyesight would be normal they'd take off their glasses , and they'd have a different set of illnesses.

In fact, they would have a different blood type depending on which alter alternate personality was in control of the body at the time blood was being drawn. Genetically, they'd shift instantly due to a switch in personality and that personality's emotional issues. But once all of their personalities integrated into one personality, their diseases, both curable and incurable, would go away.

They'd drop down to their average healthy weight extremely quickly without dieting or exercise because their system was working better and because they weren't getting upset and eating to stuff their emotions. All of the drama in their life would pretty much go away overnight once that happened. Life became very good for them suddenly and all of the emotional problems were gone. As long as they didn't have some major abuse in the next year, this would stick and they'd never again be able to switch personalities--there were no more personalities to switch with due to the integration.

I spent about five hours with one lady who had about 5 alternate personalities. By the end of the five hours, all of the personalities had integrated and she felt great, but exhausted from the emotional roller coaster and integrations.

Integrations feel amazing, but usually leave the person tired. That kind of 5 hour healing for a multiple is unheard of in psychology. Doesn't happen.

It takes years upon years to get a multiple healed, but usually is not successful. Psychologists aren't trained to do what I was doing with multiples. An older gentleman in Florida started testing things with multiples whom he'd befriended, and after working with them for a while, he figured out a way to help them heal.

As he developed the method, he got better and quicker at it. Eventually, he helped over multiples fully integrate. I learned from his book on the subject and from many phone calls where I asked him quite a few questions when I'd get stuck or needed better understanding of what was happening.

So, hearing all of that, you'd think I was a loon, probably. But I wasn't doing anything special with those people. I was just utilizing one unresearched method of healing. If someone had come out and called the method a fraud, a lot of multiples would not have wanted my help and they would've been stuck in their extremely painful life.

I have a huge heart for abuse victims and people suffering. So yes, it's upsetting when someone posts a very defamatory, inaccurate article as the second post of my thread.

Many people are too skeptical right away and it causes them to miss out on a lot of things in life. People don't have a ton of time, usually, nowadays to research things for their self, so seeing a negative article could immediately stop any research they were about to do on the subject, effectively stopping them from trying out something like this their self, no matter what testimonies they hear. And they won't hear those testimonies if their research has stopped at the negative article.

So yes, I have good reason to be upset by your post of inaccurate information now two posts, each with some inaccurate or incomplete information. BrianC , Jan 27, Balto, I'll address the inaccuracy in your claims now: I didn't say people shouldn't be skeptical. I have a very healthy skepticism myself. I've spent years and years doing countless hours of research, usually on a daily basis, because my business doesn't take up hardly any of my time.

I've done a few days of research on Reconnective Healing, but I hadn't heard about it before a couple of weeks ago. I'm the type who has no problem going and spending a little money to experience something myself to see if it's legitimate. I know better than to take people's word for it in regard to these types of things.

I consider people's testimonies, whether for or against something, but until I experience it myself, I can't really make an informed decision about it usually. Also, if someone works on one person, but not another, then we have factors at play specific to each individual, making it impossible to go off of people's testimonies. One must experience things for him or herself, usually, if they truly want to know if it will work for them.

I encourage people to do their research and decide if something's right for them. All I can do is give my experiences and my collected information on a topic. I give a very objective account of what happens to me, too, rather than jumping to conclusions. What happened to me could be pure coincidence, and I stated that.

But it is strange that similar things happen to other people who do RH, as well. I have no clue what caused my sudden boost in pay, but it's never happened to me before in all my years, and especially not like that. Even my wife a PhD and research scientist said, "I admit, this is pretty weird. She does have inaccuracies in that book and some information that could be damaging.

In my opinion, she didn't gather enough research or take a balanced approach in that book. Those books cite thousands of studies over the past 50 years into fringe science, especially pertaining to quantum physics and human intention. You need to read the book before you comment on it--otherwise, you're commenting from a severe lack of information. My wife's a research scientist, so I'm well versed in taking in a lot of information before I come to a decision on something, and I have a very balanced view of what I'm researching.

That's why I didn't say Reconnective Healing is responsible for my quadruple pay increase. There's no way to prove that. That lab has done thousands of experiments in fringe science over the years. They're cited several times in human intention and their effects on the physical world and the quantum field. The US government has but several million maybe billion into researching remote viewing and other fringe science subjects like human intention experiments.

In fact, some of our government's remote viewers back in the 70s found hidden military bases strictly through remove viewing. You wouldn't believe how many thousand remote viewing experiments the government funded--thousands. And they were all extremely successful. If you take the time to read The Field and look up the cited research in the back of the book, you'll find endless experiments to sift through.

The things discussed in that book are extremely well documented and proved. So we're not talking about a health book that was not well researched. We're talking about tons of solid science. Some of the scientists who did these experiments were nobel laureates.

Some of them discovered important things about the brain which are very common in our understanding of the brain today in research circles my wife is head of pediatric brain research at the Center for BrainHealth, part of the University of Texas at Dallas--they're on the cutting edge of brain research and therapy and work with the NFL as well as the government, training Navy Seals and other military personnel.

We're not talking about shoddy research here. Anyone could read your post and immediately dismiss this stuff as ludicrous, and yet it could be useful to them in some way. Also, my wife says research is done via the internet all the time now, so that millions of people can be used for studies much more quickly and cheaply. In fact, that experiment is designed by several top-notch scientists.

I don't know much about Dr. Schwartz, but I do know he's a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery, and director of the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona. He's also the vice president for research and education in the Living Energy Universe Foundation.

He received his PhD from Harvard in '71, and was assistant professor of psychology at Harvard until He was also a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University, director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and co-director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic until He's got a long list of credentials.

Anyone who does research on human energy like what he does is going to be very controversial, plain and simple. Just because someone's "controversial" doesn't mean they're fraudulent or incapable at what they do. Schwartz, at the beginning of Dr. Pearl's book, says that he's only done some basic science studies in their laboratory at UA, but that was back in Since then, several labs that research human energy have become interested in and done research experiments on RH.

I'm not sure you realize just how many scientists research in the realm of human energy. There are quite a few, and many are at major universities around the world and in the U. Read McTaggart's book and you'll start to see just how many scientists have been researching this stuff for the past 50 years. Quantum physics is a very strange field of research, and that's what these people are researching usually.

Subatomic particle are the energy that make up all matter in the universe, including me and you. Back in the early s, we discovered that a single subatomic particle could be in a few thousand places at once, but as soon as we looked at that particle, it would choose one place to be and stay only there for us to observe.

This baffled scientists, because this implied that the particle was conscious, and god-like being more than one place at once. The particle knew when it was being looked at and choose to act differently as a result. Also, quantum entanglement is where two particles are "entangled" with one another at a distance. Recent studies have even shown that this spectrum brings about a distinctly beneficial transformation in our DNA.

RH is received in it's highest form when we allow ourselves to release expectation. It restores coherence and harmony in our lives and transforms our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls — physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and in many ways that otherwise may seem impossible.

These new frequencies of healing and evolution first became known to the scientific community when discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl. Easily learned by everyone… now you, too, can master this extraordinary work! The Personal Reconnection utilizes the frequencies of Reconnective Healing, but is very precise and differs in its application.


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