Urban Dictionary states that this can even go so far as to refer to someone who is so sexually aroused that they are unable to think clearly. One should be careful when using the term hot and bothered because of these two very different meanings.
If used in polite company, one may believe someone is talking about being aroused when they intend the term to mean flustered. Since hot and bothered has two meanings, one must look at two separate sets of synonyms.
Firstly, hot and bothered can mean someone is overcome with anxiety and worry, or discomposed. Below are synonyms and related words from Thesaurus , alongside their definitions from Oxford Languages and American Heritage Dictionary. The phrase hot and bothered can also be used to mean lustful or amorous to the point of distraction. Synonyms for this definition include:. Antonyms for the phrase hot and bothered could include passionless, celibate, calm, chaste, unloving, wooden, composed, unworried, unflappable, or coolheaded, amongst others, according to WordHippo.
Hot and bothered can be used in multiple different ways, depending on which definition the user is intending. One should tread lightly when using the phrase in formal and polite company, because the listener may believe one is speaking about being sexually aroused when they did not intend that meaning of the phrase. Hot and bothered is an idiomatic informal expression that could be used on social media sites, but should not be used in professional circumstances like business negotiations, letters, or emails.
First, the phrase can be used to mean flustered or agitated. Kristiana arrived late to her speech tournament, and is recounting the experience to her friend Annie. Kristiana: I made it just in the nick of time. The judge was calling up the first speaker as I entered the room. Here, Kristiana uses the term hot and bothered to mean worried, flustered, or bent out of shape when describing her experience to Annie.
Next, Denise describes a movie she recently watched to her friend Tawny. I was getting a little hot and bothered in the theatre; I was so embarrassed! Tawny: Oh my gosh. Here, Denise uses the phrase hot and bothered to mean turned on or aroused. She was embarrassed by the mature nature of the film because her mother was in the theatre with her. Overall, the phrase hot and bothered can be used in multiple ways, and one should be careful to clarify which way they mean it.
The phrase hot and bothered came to be by , according to Etymonline. The word hot used to mean lustful, or having sexual desire has been used since the s, and its usage to mean inciting desire is from the 18th century.
See synonyms for hot and bothered on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.
Words nearby hot and bothered host-specific , hot , hot air , hot-air balloon , Hotan , hot and bothered , hot and heavy , hot as blazes , hotbed , hot-blooded , hotbox.
Words related to hot and bothered aroused , disturbed , excited , flustered , troubled. How to use hot and bothered in a sentence As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, v. Anxious and worried. Browse all very well idiom. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes. Image credits. Word of the Day have a heart of gold.
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