It can last a day or two but may stick around for longer. The color can be anything from pink and red to brown. Plan B uses a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel to prevent pregnancy by stopping an egg from being released. The extra hormones can, in turn, affect the menstrual cycle, leading to an earlier or delayed period as well as heavier or lighter bleeding. EC pills containing levonorgestrel can reduce the chance of pregnancy by 95 percent if taken within 24 hours of sex. This lowers to 88 percent if the pill is taken between 24 and 72 hours after sex.
Take one straight away if you keep track of your cycle and know that your period is at least a week late. Pregnancy tests detect a specific type of hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin hCG , which is only produced a few days after conception. So taking one too early can produce a false result.
But having your first post-Plan B period a week earlier or later than normal is nothing to worry about. And remember that these changes are only temporary, as your cycle should right itself the next time round. Lauren Sharkey is a U. She has also written a book profiling young female activists across the globe and is currently building a community of such resisters. Catch her on Twitter. Here are your…. But remember, whatever happens, you aren't alone and you have options. Knowing your current STI status, including your gonorrhea status, is imperative.
Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy for women who've had unprotected sex or whose birth control method has failed. The morning-after pill is intended for backup contraception only, not as a primary method of birth control. Morning-after pills contain either levonorgestrel Plan B One-Step, Aftera, others or ulipristal acetate ella. Levonorgestrel is available over-the-counter without a prescription; ulipristal acetate is available only with a prescription.
Morning-after pills can help prevent pregnancy if you've had unprotected sex — either because you didn't use birth control, you missed a birth control pill, you were sexually assaulted or your method of birth control failed.
Morning-after pills do not end a pregnancy that has implanted. They work primarily by delaying or preventing ovulation. Keep in mind that the morning-after pill isn't the same as mifepristone Mifeprex , also known as RU or the abortion pill.
This drug terminates an established pregnancy — one in which the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall and has begun to develop.
Emergency contraception is an effective option for preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex, but it isn't as effective as other methods of contraception and isn't recommended for routine use. Also, the morning-after pill can fail even with correct use, and it offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections.
If you're overweight or obese, there's some indication that the morning-after pill won't be as effective in preventing pregnancy as it is for women who aren't overweight.
Also, make sure you're not pregnant before using ulipristal. The effects of ulipristal on a developing baby are unknown. Plan B can be helpful when your birth control method fails or you forget to use it. But what if you have to take it more than once? Here's what you…. Most periods last 4 to 7 days, while cycles typically range from 21 to 35 days. But what does it mean if your period is unpredictable or doesn't show….
Withdrawal bleeding is a result of using hormonal birth control. It's totally different from a regular period or breakthrough bleeding. Here's why it…. If a condom breaks during sex, pregnancy or an STI are possible. Here's what you need to do to minimize your risk, what to know about STI testing, and…. Used properly, condoms are an affordable and effective form of birth control, whether they include spermicide or not. But, spermicide condoms can….
Looking for the perf spot to get your birth control pills online? We found the best of the best and put together some tips for choosing the best one…. It is possible your birth control is affecting your sex drive. But research is mixed and shows different birth controls can lower libido, increase sex….
Hormonal birth control can cause vaginal dryness.