As a person born on this date, Angelina Love is listed in our database as the 46th most popular celebrity for the day September 13 and the th most popular for the year People born on September 13 fall under the Zodiac sign of Virgo, the Virgin. Angelina Love is the th most popular Virgo. Aside from information specific to Angelina Love's birthday, Angelina Love is the th most famous Canadian and ranks 38th in famous people born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In general, Angelina Love ranks as the th most popular famous person , and the th most popular wrestler of all time.
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Enjoy our content? Join our newsletter to get the latest in sports news delivered straight to your inbox! Your sports. This led to a four-way contest for the Women's Knockout Championship between the four women, in which Love was unsuccessful in regaining the title.
The briefcase contained the "pink" slip and Sky was fired, effectively disbanding The Beautiful People in the process. Love then separated from The BroMans after they disbanded in April On the June 3 episode of Impact Wrestling, Love got Sky arrested by her security staff after she attacked Madison Rayne , while Love was arrested herself by event staff as Sky appeared as a fan, and was arrested for fan assault.
The couple announced their engagement on April 27, , and were married on June 10, On July 30, Williams announced on her Twitter account that she and Richards were expecting their first child, a boy named David Vincent Richards, born on March 17, In Williams tweeted that her and Richards have divorced, on good terms. Sky would later accept Love's offer on the March 20 episode of Impact Wrestling, while Madison Rayne declined due to Love's attitude towards her.
Later in the show, Love attacked Rayne, after the two hugged, establishing herself as a heel in the process. On the March 27 episode of Impact Wrestling, Love defeated Rayne in her returning match due to interference from Sky, who also turned heel, officially returning the original heel incarnation of the stable.
The Beautiful People made their in-ring return the following week on Impact Wrestling, defeating Rayne and Brittany, when Love pinned Brittany after a modified Makeover. Later, it was announced that Love suffered a legitimate concussion during the match.
On February 22, , Daffney announced that Love would be making her debut in the all-female promotion Shine Wrestling, at the event Shine 8. On May 24 at the Shine 10 event, Love was unsuccessful in winning the Shine Championship from the reigning champion Rain. Love returned on January 24 at the Shine 14 event, where she defeated Leah von Dutch.
On the October 21 episode of Impact! Love entered a storyline where a woman named Winter started appearing in mirrors, claiming to be her fan, though only Love was able to see her. After weeks of appearing only in front of Love, Winter was for the first time seen by the other people on the November 25 episode of Impact! On the December 9 episode of Impact! Love and Sky entered a four—team tournament for the vacated Knockouts Tag Team Championship, defeating Sarita and Daffney in their first round match.
On the December 23 episode of Impact! Love made her first appearance on the House of Hardcore promotion on November 9, , where she, alongside Justin Credible managed Lance Storm and Sean Waltman to their tag team match against Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk, which they lost.
Love scored her first victory on August 11, , at House of Hardcore 32 where she defeated Katred with Velvet Sky at ringside. Love and Sky then continued to participate in various matches in both winning and losing efforts with more sporadic appearances from Because of the win, Williams was named number one contender, and faced Kanellis for the FWE Women's Championship on February 16, , but was unsuccessful in winning the championship after Mike Bennett helped Maria take advantage.
Love then teamed with Erin Angel in a tag team match, where they were defeated by Jacob and Taylor. At one point Williams had enough and even attacked Vaine in her office. Williams made her Ohio Valley Wrestling debut in a dark match at the May 16, television taping in Louisville, Kentucky, defeating Serena. She was released from her developmental contract one day later. During the match, she was eliminated by Gail Kim and O. At Genesis , Williams competed in a four-way match for the championship with Gail Kim retaining her title.
Williams soon began competing under the ring name "Angelina Love" and formed a partnership with Velvet Sky , calling themselves "Velvet-Love Entertainment", later changed to "The Beautiful People". Love and Sky became villains on the March 13 edition of Impact by attacking Laveaux.
Love also participated at Lockdown in the first ever "Queen of the Cage" match but was pinned by Laveaux. Love was the runner-up in the Make Over battle royal - ladder match at Sacrifice. Love then lost to Gail Kim at Victory Road in a singles match. She won the match and the title after pinning Wilde. During the match she suffered a concussion while receiving a crossbody from Wilde.
The following week, Awesome Kong interrupted her title celebration. After the match she officially kicked Kip from the Beautiful People and was then assaulted by the debuting Tara. At Slammiversary , Love successfully defended her title against Tara, before losing the title to her on the July 9, edition of Impact!
At Victory Road , however, Love controversially defeated Tara to win back the title, when Tara's foot was on the bottom rope, which was unnoticed by ref Slick Johnson.
After the match, Love left the ring without Sky or Rayne, however in the following weeks, her relationship with Sky remained intact, with the duo cutting Rayne loose. On September 3, , Williams was released from TNA due to visa issues, while still a top draw in the women's division. However, on September 7, , Williams posted a blog entry on her MySpace account stating that she would return to TNA Wrestling once the issues with her visa were sorted out.
She continued appearing on Impact! Williams, as Angelina Love, made her return on the January 14 edition of Impact! However, after the match, Love turned face by attacking her former partners and Lacey Von Erich , her replacement in the group, seemingly angry about being replaced. She made her in-ring return the following week by defeating Rayne, however after the match she was triple teamed by the Beautiful People.
On the February 4 edition of Impact! On the March 8 edition of Impact!