How old is jack reacher in the books

That's one of those double-edged things. When I began the series. I made him 36, which is a peak age physically and intellectually. And then I aged him, but as the series became a success, I was faced with this problem — he's going to get older and older.

So what I'm doing is throwing in the occasional prequel and slightly de-emphasizing his age. Maybe the stories will be set a month apart rather than a year apart. Yes, I don't see him taking down a bingo cartel in an old age home. Has the success of the novels affected your own life? It's not like being a movie star or an athlete. Writing is anonymous; it's the books, not the writer. I'm very rarely recognized. In New York, where I live, the culture is such that even if you are recognized, you're not hassled.

But the downside is, it's no good trying to get a table in a restaurant. I have to ask: The film version of Jack Reacher will be played by Tom Cruise and I've been bombarded by disbelieving complaints. Reacher is 6 feet 5 inches and pounds; Cruise is, what, 5 foot 7 inches and maybe ? Reacher is an intimidating physical presence; Cruise is … not. This is an important aspect of the books. Cruise is also about How is this going to be handled?

The problem is that these days there are literally no actors approaching Reacher's size. Actors tend to be small; the camera likes them better.

So why split the difference between falling far short and slightly less far short? What I wanted was the actor with the most technical skill. Tom Cruise is a very skilled actor, probably the best of his generation.

The film hasn't started shooting and I haven't seen any rushes. My guess is the acting ability will carry the day, but possibly I'm guilty of thinking too far ahead of the books' audience. I do think people are going to be weirded out in the first five minutes, but the test is, will they forget that and get wrapped up in the story.

Wouldn't Lee Marvin have been perfect? Child handed his series over to his brother, Andrew Grant, but insisted he change his surname to Child. Topics Lee Child Tom Cruise news. Reuse this content.

After his separation from the Army, Reacher felt liberated. He felt that he had been in the Military his whole life and he didn't really have any place to call home. He became a wanderer, and with few exceptions, never stayed in one place for more than a few days.

Reacher is described as being 6 feet 5 inches 1. He has various scars, most notably a collection of roughly stitched scars on his abdomen caused by a bombing in Lebanon, [8] with ugly raised welts that are later instrumental in saving his life, a 3-toinch-wide 8 to 10 cm white scar that intersects his shrapnel scar that he received during a knife fight in Gone Tomorrow.

Reacher attributes his survival to the rough MASH stitch work. His various other scars include one from a chest shot with a. He suffers his first ever broken nose in Worth Dying For , at over 50 years of age. He resets the bone with a thump from his palm and later puts on a plaster bandage made of duct tape. He predominantly wears simple clothing, mainly plain t-shirts, blue jeans and plaid shirts with a jacket.

He buys his clothes predominantly from second hand stories and thrift shops and is baffled at the idea of anyone spending a lot of money on clothes. Reacher is a natural loner who shows little interest in any kind of long lasting relationships with anyone, preferring to always keep moving.

Lee Child has described him as a modern "knight errant" and akin to a hero from a Western film. Reacher is a naturally anti-social person who is blunt and direct and isn't afraid to threaten people to get what he needs. Reacher shows no mercy to people he goes up against and will kill without hesitation, showing little interest in seeing people brought to justice the traditional way. He has claimed that he doesn't feel remorse for any of the lives he has taken.

In Personal , after killing a thug, he defends his actions to his distraught accomplice, Casey Nice, by stating the man could have spent his life performing good deeds such as "helping old ladies across the street", "raising funds for Africa" or "volunteering in the library". Instead the man extorted money and hurt people and when he "finally he opened the wrong door, what came out at him was his problem, not mine".

Reacher has a very strong sense of justice and will do anything to right what he sees as a wrong, even at great personal cost to himself. Now instead of ahead of the times, Spenser is firmly in step, or perhaps even a little behind.

Spenser paid for eternal life in relevance. Other characters—James Bond for example—lost context on gaining immortality. Comic book characters are forever locked in time. Not only does their readership accept it, they demand it. When creators attempt to replace the heroes with a younger generation, the changes are soon undone.

In our world, no one lives forever. The many adventures series characters live elevate them to mythic status. Not only in quality, as the stakes rise, but in sheer quantity, as the corpses they leave in their wake also stack up. Much like a successful serial killer, Reacher is nomadic by nature, with little connection to the events. Within a few books, Spenser is no longer bothered.

Once immortal, death becomes an abstract concept. For Spenser, he began as a boxing contender whose championship run stopped at Jersey Joe Walcott born Spenser no longer left boxing because he lacked what it took to win a championship title, but rather due to corruption.

Jack Reacher began as a military police investigator, but over time this became beneath someone who, among other accomplishments, is the only non-Marine to win the Wimbledon Cup.


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